The Holy $DOG Meme Competition

Paco The Bozo (🐕,🐕)
Own The Doge
Published in
4 min readDec 30, 2021

Greetings to the Meme Lords,

We have received an important message, from the one and dogly, that we’re obligated to share with you all- the Doge has demanded that we offer our best Memes!

Produce your Meme Offerings for Doge that will go through the most holy of Meme Judgements. Will your Meme Offering pass through all the tests and ultimately be accepted by Doge? Or will it be rejected by the aldogly?

One must pray to the Meme Gods to inspire them with the creation of a DIVINE work of Art, as Great Rewards await those whose Meme Offerings pass to the other side!

Ser, how do I participate?

In 4 simple steps:

  1. Create a Meme. (check “Rules” below for requirements)
  2. Share it on Twitter with #memefortheDOG and tag @ownthedoge .
  3. Join our Discord: and share your Meme in # 😂 | meme-gallery .
  4. Await your judgement 🙏.

The Rules

  • ANYONE will be able to participate until the 12th of January.

Requirements for a successful Meme Offering:

  • Topic: Your memes obviously MUST be related to $DOG, so get familiar with The Doge NFT project and the memes and inside jokes of our community! Feel free to ask for suggestions in our Discord ❤.
    - On top of that, some themes we’re encouraging for this competition are Spiritual/ Holy/ Conspiracy/ Cultish themes. Origins of Doge. As Doge being the “e-God of Memes”, and each of us owning a part of Doge through $DOG, makes for some funny cult themes.
  • Format: Create whatever your heart desires as long as it’s on topic- whether it’s just a meme JPEG, a funny GIF, a promotional video, an educational infographic, a hype song, a drawing, something IRL…etc. anything could be considered a Meme.
  • Important Note: You can make as many memes as you want, but you can only win ONCE! There will be 5 total winners.

Categories: Your Meme Offering will be judged according to how well it performs in each of these 5 categories:

  1. 🤡 Dankness: General meme culture; how in touch with modern meme culture the meme is.
  2. 🙏 Theme: How well it references the religious/ spiritual/ conspiracy/ cultish themes of the $DOG project. References to “The Ancient Origins of Doge” would be a good example.
  3. 🐶 Relevancy: How witty the meme is; how well it relates to inside jokes and themes in the $DOG community.
  4. 😂 Funny: Good old funny index.
  5. 🐕 Overall: Just overall vibe and aesthetic of the meme.

Let your imagination run wild!

The Meme Judgement

This is the selection process by which the winners of the competition will be determined. It is divided into 2 major stages:

1. Blessings of the VIPs:

  • We will be forwarding each Meme to a secret #meme-offerings channel in our Discord, where our “VIPs” will be able to *bless* each meme. ( You can become a “VIP- Very Important Pupper” by holding more than 16,969 $DOG and verifying your holdings in our Discord)
  • The 15 most *blessed* Meme Offerings will pass to the next stage. Hitting all the categories mentioned in “The Rules” will increase your chances of being *blessed*!

2. The Meme Offering:

  • We will be hosting “The Meme Offering” event on January the 17th 14:00 EST in our Discord, where Doge will ACCEPT 5 out of the top 15 Meme Offerings.
  • We will be acting in the name of Doge, who will either ACCEPT or REJECT your Meme Offering.
  • The community will be able to spam a YAY or NAY emote to increase the chances of Doge ACCEPTING their Meme Offering.
  • Remember, there can only be 5 winners. Only the Meme Offerings that score the most points in each of the 5 categories mentioned above will be ACCEPTED.

The Great Rewards

This Holiday season Doge will be blessing us with over $2000 in rewards (given out in $DOG), split between the top 5 winners!

  1. First Place: 1000$
  2. Second Place: 500$
  3. Third Place: 420$
  4. Fourth Place: 120$ + 1 Fast Food Doge NFT
  5. Fifth Place: 1 Fast Food Doge NFT

You can check out more about the Fast Food Doges NFT collection here. (officially endorsed by The original Doge NFT)


Some example Memes to help set the theme and get your creative juices flowing! These are not examples of top-tier quality Meme Offerings, but we hope to inspire you to create something even better!

Dankeness: 3/5; Theme: 5/5; Relevancy: 1/5; Funny: 3/5; Overall: 4/5
Dankness: 4/5; Theme: 5/5; Relevancy: 2/5; Funny: 4/5; Overall: 5/5
Dankness: 2/5; Theme: 5/5; Relevancy: 3/5; Funny: 4/5; Overall: 4/5

Learn more about $DOG:

Website | Discord | Twitter



Paco The Bozo (🐕,🐕)
Own The Doge

I believe in the collective memetic forces that rule us all | 🃏🔮✨⚗️=🦍🌳🦶🦁🍖🧠🍄 | ⌛=🌊 | My emojis are mine | CEO of the Memetaverse | $DOG $OHM $KLIMA