Via Time

How to Create Engaging Instagram Reels (With Examples)

Josh Viner
The Dopamine Effect
6 min readJan 25, 2021


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As of 2016, more than 95 million photos and videos are posted to Instagram every day and as of 2020, over 200 million Instagram users visit at least one Business profile per day. Simply said, there’s a lot of traffic and noise on the platform. That’s the first point I want to make. Secondly, with the new homepage layout, it’s clear Instagram Reels is the platforms’ next major focus. So, the question becomes how do you use Reels effectively to stand out?

Here are seven key elements to creating original and engaging Instagram Reels. Oh and two bonus tips at the end for you. Let’s dive in…

Inspire creation

Similar to TikTok, Instagram hopes viewers on the platform see a Reel and want to replicate it on their own profile. They key here is to create something others can recreate while incorporating their own creativity on it. For example, one of the more popular TikTok challenges was the “shoe transition challenge” where users would throw a shoe in there and hit it with their feet on beat while changing outfits. It works because it’s simple to replicate yet difficult enough where not everyone can pull it off, and allows for creativity in its execution. See HERE for a compilation video. Below is a video of a “#DribbleBeatChallenge,” which features the creator, Crissa Jackson, dribbling a basketball to the beat of the music. It’s simple but not too simple, creative, and inspires recreation.

Share uniquely original content

Make your content uniquely you with a consistent format and theme that people can recognize you for. For example, maybe you start each reel with a question and some text and then go into the “reveal.” Or perhaps you always use a certain filter or film from a certain angle. The below is a great example of how Monica, a makeup artist, has mixed filters with makeup to create an instantly recognizable identity. The key here is to create a pattern that followers can recognize you for and look forward too.

Keep it simple

Less is more. Record with your phone and use effects in the Reels camera. This ties in with inspiring creation — if you have something too high-end, it’s not easy to replicate. The below is an example of how TIMA, a musical artist, records a Reel of her creating a beat. She combines playing the keys, dancing, and text to make for an engaging Reel. She also made it relatable by posting it on December 31 with the text (and caption) revolving around New Years goals. Speaking of that…

Keep it relevant & relatable

Viewers want to be able to see themselves in your content and relate to it. Try to include something that’s “of the moment” in your Reels. Perhaps you want to create content around a certain time of year, day of week, or a cultural moment — from politics to music to gaming and more. A quick win here is to either add a trending song to your Reel or add music that’s relevant to the content you’re creating (more on that later). Below is an example of comedian Nina Drama creating content around faking New Years resolutions on social media, posted on January 1.

Pull the viewer in quickly

As with all content it’s critical to pull the viewer in instantly. Reels makes this easier through text and effects. See below for an example from content creator Lonnie Marts IIV who starts almost all of his Reels with text on them, usually asking a question that’s part of the storyline of the Reel. By doing so, Lonnie pulls in the audience, compelling them to watch the whole video to see the resolution. It’s vital to think about the first 1–3 seconds of each Reel.

Tell a Story

Storytelling is essential to all marketing and should trickle down to each piece of content. Below, content creator Max Sanowski tells the story of “our generation” through the perspective of both us and the generation below us by using different outfits and angles. Additionally, by writing “our generation” in the caption he makes the viewer part of the story, yet doesn’t give away the ending. On that note…

Have a fun surprise or twist

Surprises and twists have becoming essential to TikTok storytelling and the same goes for Reels. The below video from Sidney Raz went “viral” because it was relatable, simple, told a story through text and music, and had a hilarious surprised twist at the end. Specifically to note, the music in this video helps tell the story of the video. Not every Reel needs an unexpected ending but it’s a great way to throw in once in a while to keep your audience on their toes.

So…Where Do You Start?

Start by taking your phone out, thinking of a “scene” or story, recording and posting. If you’re just starting, don’t get too bogged down in the details. If you’ve been creating content for a while and you’re looking to refine your strategy, don’t feel pressure to include all of these elements in every single video. The best content creators pick and choose what style works for them. Test different approaches to discover what resonates best with your audience. As Reels continues to expand its feature, I’m sure there’ll be more ways to engage with followers. Get creative, experiment, play around, and have fun.

Bonus Tips, as promised:

  1. I highly suggest always posting to both the Reels tab and your Instagram grid to maximize reach. However, if your Reels content is interfering with your meticulously planned out grid, you can always share the Reels to your grid and later archive it, removing it from the grid but keeping it on the Reels tab.
  2. If you want to repost your TikToks to Instagram, do not used the saved video from TikTok with the watermark. Instagram doesn’t like TikTok watermarks. Use a TikTok downloader such as this or this (there are many others — just google “TikTok downloader without watermark”) to download your TikTok video sans watermark.




Josh Viner
The Dopamine Effect

I share ideas of growth marketing, productivity, and entrepreneurship. I run a growth marketing consultancy called the creative lab.