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How To Use Instagram’s New “Create” Mode To Influence The Algorithm

Josh Viner
The Dopamine Effect
4 min readOct 19, 2019


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A couple weeks ago Instagram rolled out a new “Create” mode in Stories to help users get more creative with their Instagram Stories…more importantly, they also helps users create more engaging Stories. Engagement is one of the most critical factors when it comes to the Instagram algorithm.

*Note: Before delving into the algorithm, please note that Instagram has never (to my knowledge) fully detailed what goes into their algorithm in terms of how posts are shown to followers but have suggested the most important elements.

The Instagram Algorithm

Although social media tools such as Sprout Social and Hootsuite claim that Stories do not have any sort of influence on the Instagram algorithm, they also claim that Instagram wants to keep users on the app. Of course, any app wants to keep their users on the platform for as long as possible. How does Instagram do that? By favoring profiles and posts that receive the most engagement (likes, comments, saves, shares). Therefore, engagement is a critical factor when it comes to strategizing content creation.

According to Hootsuite, “Instagram’s primary goal is to maximize the time users spend on the platform.”

As well, according to Hootsuite, Instagram’s algorithm’s top 3 ranking signals are:

  1. Relationship: How “close” you are with an account — do you respond to each others’ Stories, DM, like/comment on each other’s posts?
  2. Interest: How interested you are with an account — do you engage with their Stories, like and comment on their posts?
  3. Timeliness: When posts are actually made

In other words, two of the three elements have to do with the amount of time spent viewing and engaging with one’s content. Good thing the new Create Mode is all about creating more engaging content…

Leveraging Create Mode To Influence The Algorithm

So how do we keep users on the app and influence the algorithim to favor our content? Well, besides photos, videos, and a plethora of editing apps to make your content unique, the new Create Mode is here to help. Create Mode combines text options, polls, GIFs, countdown stickers, new templates, question cards, and an “On This Day” integration.

Here are some content ideas:

On This Day: Re-celebrate milestones with the “On This Day” integration. Released a song a year ago? Played a big show? Released a new product feature? Celebrate the anniversary with the “On This Day” integration.

What Am I Listening To: Create a weekly series that showcases your top five songs or artists of the past week with the “What Am I Listening to Template”

Via Elite Daily

Countdown Stickers: This one has been around a for a while but utilizing the countdown feature is a great way to to notify your audience when something important goes live (new song, video, merch drop, tickets, product, etc.).

Polls: Utilize the polls feature to allow your Instagram audience to dictate what you wear that day, how you spend your day in a new city, what songs to put on a setlist, merch ideas before you actually manufacture them, and more. This is a fantastic way to obtain quick customer data!

GIFs: If you’re an artist, create GIF cutdowns of your music videos and add them to your story to help promote the video. You know what, it doesn’t have to be music videos. Made a vlog on YouTube? Create funny cutdowns that people may want to use on Instagram Stories as a reaction to something.

Via Elite Daily

Question Cards: Another tremendous method of keeping an audience engaged and acquiring valuable customer data. Ask your followers anything that top of mind…we have all questions that come during the day, ask your audience!

Combining all these elements, along with photos, videos, emojis, and stickers, will help create more stimulating content; and more importantly, engaging content — provoking your audience to reply to your Stories. The more you use Stories to create compelling content, the more you create a relationship with and stimulate interest among your audience. As long as you create and maintain this relationship on Instagram (keeping users on the platform), Instagram will rewards those users with a better ranking within the algorithm.

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Josh Viner
The Dopamine Effect

I share ideas of growth marketing, productivity, and entrepreneurship. I run a growth marketing consultancy called the creative lab.