Nobody Cares About Skeeter Valentine

Joanna C. Valente
The Dot and Line
Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2016

A poem for Nickelodeon’s Doug—one of the original Nicktoons celebrating their 25th anniversary during Nicktoons Month!

It isn’t that your friends don’t like you
but sometimes they don’t like the way

you defer to those people called
your parents who sometimes

are called your teachers and you
pretend not to like the girl with mayonnaise

in her name because your best friend does
and this girl says everything is

a poem, or sometimes you think she
sounds like a poem because she is

built like the house your best friend
destroyed by throwing a stone because NBD

because windows show us that we’re all
dying and if we’re dying sooner rather

than later, all the fish and all our moms
will be quivering dark like crystalline guitars

jamming to all the other lost moms
like the girl’s mom you never met and you

want to tell her it’s OK, that as much as you
love her, she has to get used to being alone.

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