How to defeat the Minecraft wither ?

Mini tutorials about defeating the wither in survival mode.

The Doublepicebs Blog
2 min readSep 12, 2019


The wither is considered the first boss in Minecraft, so then, it’s not easy to defeat it in survival. Here, we will tell you how to defeat it without cheats as fast as possible.

1. Inventory

You will need:

  1. Armor (diamond if possible)
  2. Sword (enchanted with smite please) and a shield. Elytra if you can.
  3. Healing potion (throw it at him!)

2. The location

You can choose either the end, nether or the overworld. However, you can die in the void if you chose the end or in lava (after you fall from a cliff) in the nether. It’s better to choose the overworld.

Where on the overworld?

You can choose the surface, but he can run and fly away, you can choose a cave, but you might lose where he has gone. It’s better to make a small room underground and let him create the cave himself (using his rush ability or his skulls) so at least you will know where did he go. Remember that he can also escape. And please don’t make him in the sea, are you sure that he won’t fly far and a bunch of drowns won’t try to kill you with their tridents?

3. The fight

Create him and make sure to be far from his initial explosion, it might kill you ! However, you can protect yourself from it with your shield.

A point that can help you, that it might not try to kill you when he is attacking other mobs. Use those moments and give him some hits !

Thanks for reading this mini guide, hope you liked it.

