Random Movement Script

Tutorials for my Random movement script on Fancade.

The Doublepicebs Blog
1 min readAug 19, 2019


Today, we will learn how to use the Random movement script.


Get it on Fancade Store


Min: Minimum movement (velocity)

Max: Maximum movement (velocity)

Prob: Probability of stopping

NOTES * The more you increase Prob, the smaller the probability is.

* 0 Prob means stopping is definite (i.e it will always stop after moving once)

* The special case, 158 Prob, means that it will never stop, only moving from a place to a place. (ẞētā)

* The object that moves doesn’t have AI (i.e it may run to a wall)

* It’s better to let Min a negative number and Max it’s postive counterpart to implement backwards-movement.

Freq: frequency of movement, the greater the parameter number is the less time the object moves. (It’s a timer in seconds before the next movement)

Object that moves: what we want it to move randomly

NOTE * The basic Y coordinate is 0.5

Thanks for reading!!

Originally published at http://doublepicebs.wordpress.com on August 18, 2019.

