They Know You Better Than Your Parents….

Google, Microsoft, and Facebook know too much about us…

The Doublepicebs Blog
3 min readAug 22, 2019


These days, almost no one doesn’t have a PC, Mobile phone, a Facebook account, or others. We have been using there “free” services for ages, but have you ever wondered, “How do they keep it free?”

You maybe have, and the only one logical answer is that they use our data, either selling them or with using it for ads. Let’s dive in and see how they use us:


Google, the world’s biggest search engine, knows us best, they track our searches, YouTube comments, social likes (before Google+ was shut down), and what even what we say, they know our voice, our interests, what we type, and how, what languages do we speak, what do we need,… and so on, the list never ends…

Image credit: Google

They even use our data for Google Ads, where advertisers pay Google to show their ads in their services and apps that use that services.


Microsoft, the owner of the most popular PC OS, windows, didn’t differ a lot from Google, except for ads. They collect data from our searches, Skype, Cortana, and other services, and use it to improve themselves, and track the people (for helping governments and others) which makes you as if you were sitting in the middle of a mall, all people looking at you, laughing… your private life like what you told your wife yesterday on Skype, asking about how her trip was, or what you were saying to your college, talking about company stuff… The more we think about it, the more it looks awkward and scary. Not from a long time, Microsoft admitted that some “humans” listen to some users’ recordings from Cortana and Skype.

Image credit: Microsoft


Facebook, with Billions of users, has been talking a lot of punishments these few months, because of privacy issues, lack of security, and even selling users’ data to other corporations, like what happened with Cambridge Analytica.

Image credit

A recent study that form what you like, comment, save or share, Facebook can know you better than your wife and even your parents…

Image credit: Facebook

The people have thought that when they are alone with their phones, they were secure and in privacy, but the truth was such a bitter one.

See you later,


