TikTok’s crisis in Egypt.

The popular short video sharing app has a big problem ahead in Egypt.

The Doublepicebs Blog
2 min readAug 7, 2019



TikTok became popular in Egypt recently for it’s ability to create short videos with awesome effects and a huge music library, it has many users and they are increasing, but the content creators have made a crisis to the app that can cause getting it banned in Egypt and other countries. Here is why:

Stupid AI

Most video sharing platforms use a very smart AI to prevent, filter, and terminate videos that doesn’t apply the terms of service, either copyright breaking or e.t.c… TikTok’s AI actually failed in filtering and terminating many inappropriate content, that caused a bad name about it, even if it succeed, those videos are saved to the uploaders phone with the TikTok watermark. That watermarked videos are posted to other platforms (example: Tumblr, Reddit, Facebook) and users who find those content get sick and an instant idea that TikTok is for inappropriate people and content.

Failing in attracting content creators

Source: Nader Ahmed (YouTube)

A meeting has happened soon between TikTok and other popular YouTubers, about how to attract content creators to create better content and better ideas/views to other people. That failed.. why? Nearly all content creators suggested giving money as YouTube, but Tiktok refused.

So, it failed in filtering content and attracting very popular YouTubers.

And according to some laws and attacks on the platform, either it will be banned on Egypt or losing most users, causing a terrible loss in the entire region (MENA).

Well, that makes us remember that YouTube has also a stupid AI that terminates excessive videos even if they are not bad at all. But nothing is much better than a bad thing !

Thanks for reading !

