Nothing Like The Real Christian Life

Cheryl Watson
The Dove
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2024

Live a life that’s out of the world. Jesus IS Life.

Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

I know you want to matter in life. And you do. The caveat: Life is in Christ.

God wanted a physical family to love.

He Created the universe then, created our bodies out of the earth.

Then He put life into it.

We have physical and mental experience of Him (the knowledge of GOoD_ through the body.

It was perfectly attuned for life from God and with God.

But, man made a decision one day that there was more.

Adam and Eve walked past everything they needed for life and Godliness that He provided for them in the garden.

They had the intimate knowledge of Good which was their source of life.

They decided they needed more. Me, myself and I, with some slick coaching, figured God was holding something back. It had to be even better.

God had already told them they would die if they went for it.

They did and they died.

God is not a liar.

Evil or livE. Evil hates life.

When Adam and Eve decided God was not enough for them His Spirit left. They became Spiritually dead and, being made from the earth, their bodies would follow.

God put man outside of the Garden so they could not eat from the tree of life (personal knowledge of good)while existing in this fallen state of decay. Eternal torment.

Even though this world was in a cycle of decay, God decided He would have a family in His own image.

But how? God is now ‘out of this world’, so to speak, and humanity is literally bound to the earth.

Old self

Photo by Julie North on Unsplash

He would have to come and get us. He would have to know our torment. He would come and make a way for us to reach Heaven. He would become the One and only sacrifice for all time to bring us home.

We have learned that wanting to be our own god is not possible. Even if it were, there is only one God who gives life. Believe that, repent of that unbelief of One God who gives Life, and you will be spiritually born again in Jesus. Saved from being needlessly, miserably, earth bound to Him bound eternally.

New self

Photo by Vincent van Zalinge on Unsplash

So then, we who are now alive, born again spiritually, in Christ, Literally, but not yet, sit in heaven at Gods right hand. Out of this world. Heaven is our new home. The bus will go but Holy Spirit won’t leave until everyone that wants new life has been boarded.

Our earth bodies will naturally die and be made new and indestructable at some point.

In the between time, we will sing songs of being in Christ. Telling how exquisite the new self feels in Christ. Experiencing the Fruit of the Spirit for all to see. *Still, many will not give up their misery. Everyday we see it on social media.*

Our new self life is no longer mixed with evil. Although the body does carry it’s remnants and memories of that way of being in the world. It wasn’t life. It was a way of being. Human being.

PS: Of course it is not all smooth sailing, but Jesus Captains the ship. We can’t be lost before the final revelation of us in Christ and His glory!

You can enjoy your new life now. Find out how.



Cheryl Watson
The Dove

The Happy Christian. Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.