Beyond the Pews: Finding spiritual connection in the great outdoors

How spending time in the natural world can strengthen our faith

David Ramos
The Dove
4 min readJan 12, 2023


Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash

Nature has always been a source of inspiration and renewal for people of all faiths, and as a Christian, I can attest to the deep spiritual significance that the natural world holds.

There’s an old allegory about a man who was lost in a vast desert, his body wracked with thirst and his mind consumed by despair. He stumbled upon a small oasis and collapsed beside a crystal clear pool of water. As he drank from the cool, life-giving liquid, he looked up to see a majestic mountain looming in the distance.

He realized that the mountain had been guiding him the whole time, its peaks shining like a beacon in the harsh desert sun. And in that moment, the man knew that he had been saved by the grace of nature.

This allegory, to me, represents the role that nature plays in our spiritual lives. Like the man in the desert, we are all searching for something greater than ourselves, something that will guide us and give us hope. And like the mountain, nature has a way of reaching out to us and showing us the way.

One of the greatest Christian mystics, St. Francis of Assisi, once said, “The sun, the moon, and the stars would have disappeared long ago… had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands.”

St Francis knew that there is a deep spiritual significance to nature, that it is not just a resource to be exploited but a sacred gift to be revered.

As Christians, we believe that God is the Creator of all things, and that everything in the natural world is a reflection of His glory. We also believe that we are called to be stewards of the earth, to protect and preserve it for future generations. Spending time in nature can help us to connect with God on a deeper level and to understand our place in the world.

One of the most powerful ways that nature can help us to deepen our faith is by showing us the beauty and wonder of God’s creation.

There’s nothing quite like standing at the edge of a great expanse of wilderness and feeling humbled by the scale and majesty of what you see. Or watching the sun set over the ocean, with the waves crashing on the shore, and knowing that this is the work of an all-powerful God.

Nature can also help us to connect with God on a personal level. Have you ever gone for a walk in the woods and felt a sense of peace and tranquility that was hard to find anywhere else? Or have you ever been in a situation where you were completely alone, with nothing but the sounds of the wilderness around you, and felt the presence of God in a way that was hard to put into words? These are the moments when nature can help us to find God’s voice and His grace.

Beyond its spiritual significance, nature also provides a sense of perspective that is hard to find elsewhere. The problems and concerns that we encounter in our everyday lives can often seem overwhelming and insurmountable, but when you stand at the top of a mountain or watch the stars at night, they become small and insignificant.

And in that sense of perspective, we find the peace and hope that we need to carry on.

In conclusion, nature has a powerful ability to deepen our faith and to connect us with God in ways that are hard to find elsewhere. And, as Christians, it’s our responsibility to preserve and protect this sacred gift for future generations.

We must find a way to balance our economic needs with the spiritual needs of the planet.

Pope Francis reminds us that “The earth is for all of us, not for a chosen few.”

Let us remember this and cultivate a deep spiritual relationship with nature to deepen our faith and connect to something greater than ourselves.

As we seek to deepen our faith and connect with God, let us not forget the beauty and wonder that can be found in nature. Whether it’s the majesty of a mountain, the tranquility of a forest, or the wonder of a sunset, nature has the power to inspire us and remind us of the greatness of our Creator.

It is a sacred gift that we must protect and preserve, and it is a powerful tool for connecting with God on a deeper level.

I encourage all of my fellow Christians to take some time to connect with nature, whether that means going for a hike in the woods, sitting by a lake, or simply taking a walk in the park.

Let the beauty and wonder of God’s creation remind you of His greatness and His love for us. And let us remember that as caretakers of this earth, we have a sacred duty to protect it for future generations so that they too can experience the depth of spiritual significance it holds.



David Ramos
The Dove

writer with a sword, fighter with a pen. want more grammar errors?