Holy Hormones Bible Study: Teaching — If your book isn’t a buzz, it’s not the Bible.


Does it really apply today in a tangible way?

Brad Banardict
The Dove


During a discussion between the guys at a Reformed church a friend mentioned the South African Pastor, Andrew Murray, who was influential in that country in the 19th Century, as having raised people from the dead. There was much lamenting in the group, one person in particular, about the lack of faith in today’s church. He was an ordinary, pleasant, bloke.

I then mentioned a good friend who had metal pins disappear from her knee. There was also the daughter of an acquaintance who had a medical condition which affected her jaw so she couldn’t open her mouth very far and had trouble eating. The mother, who suffered chronic pain, went to a prayer meeting and took the daughter for company. The daughter came home completely restored but the mother was unchanged. These were people I knew, personally, in a Charismatic Church. The guy who believed the story about Andrew Murray (I don’t know the veracity of the stories about Andrew) would not believe my account of the two people I knew. He was prepared to believe a story from long ago and far away, but not go and meet the people he could easily reach.

As always, being open to correction from my betters, this seems to be an influential spirit in the church today. Jesus, and the promises of the Bible, are acceptable at arm’s length but don’t get too carried away.

Here is a true story. It is up to you to accept or reject it.

I had a friend, Colin (now in Glory), who had the Spiritual Gift of the Word of Knowledge. He was often told, in his spirit, to go and deliver a message to a specific individual. When this happened, he walked on eggs because he didn’t know what the message was until he got there and opened his mouth. (It could be, “Stop messing about with your secretary!”) It was always something about which he had no prior knowledge. It was always essentially true but sometimes Colin’s aim wasn’t spot-on. He never told us what the message was because it was not his business. Often the recipient confirmed the message to us later — still in amazement.

You can take that or leave it.

I have another friend, JC, who died three times one Saturday, and a few more times over the next week, from a heart attack. (I use a collective noun because I don’t know what else to do.) He was in hospital all that time. He had the first heart attack while speaking to the doctor in the emergency ward in a major hospital. He had gone to see about chest pains — he had a history.

On the Saturday he died Colin was unaware and was told about it, in his spirit, while he was having a shower. This is what he was told.

“I will say when JC dies, not the doctors. I have something for JC to do ….” There was then a list of tasks given in picture form in Colin’s imagination but he knew what it all meant.

That night Colin told us about this. We knew that JC had gone to hospital by about lunch time that day but didn’t know how bad it was. What we didn’t know was that he had flat-lined three times that day and the doctors had told his wife, this was it. It would be a surprise if he survived that day. (He is still alive.)

Monday was the first time the whole group of JC’s friends got together at the hospital. There were some interesting discoveries.

• Two other people received the same message at the same time. The three were scattered all over the city.

• Referring to the records of the timeline, JC was actually flat-lining when the messages were received.

This happened a year before Covid struck. Colin is now in Glory. The prophecies about JC are progressively coming to pass.

You can take it or leave it. I have nothing to lose.

The forgoing evidence has not been presented to convince any reader but to allow a personal decision to be made. There is much more to know about this subject. Perhaps you’ll pay another visit, sometime.

All Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

(We all have a plank in our eye. It’s bigger than we think.)



Brad Banardict
The Dove

I’m a chubby little guy relying entirely on God’s Grace to get to Heaven.