Discover Your New Self And Enjoy Your Christian Life

Christian women need to see this hidden in plain sight truth.

Cheryl Watson
The Dove
3 min readMay 6, 2024


Photo by Rachel McDermott on Unsplash

If you‘re not excited to be a Christian then you don’t know you’re identity in Christ! Relax, it’s not your fault.

Hidden in Plain Sight

You might feel, as I did, like you’re missing out on the abundant life promised to us if we just accepted Jesus as our Savior. It always felt like a bait and switch game to me.

When we were born again spiritually in Jesus, we were like excited new babies in Christ. But often, what we heard in church didn’t resonate deeply with our hungry truth-seeking souls and our growth was delayed and sometimes even scarred.

We weren’t taught about being put into Christ by God, about how we become a completely new, never-before-seen creation in Him.

Instead, we encountered a confusing blend of lifeless religious messages, leaving us feeling disheartened and almost ready to give up. But we didn’t give up, and for that, we can be thankful to God that He keeps our salvation safe until we are ready to grow again.

We were told that “the just shall live by faith,” (John 10:10 ref.) yet it seemed like we were still directed to cling to our old ways to navigate our new existence.

But here’s the truth, dear sisters: in Christ, we are justified new creatures that don’t know how to live in this old world. God gave us instructions. There is a new way for the justified in Christ to live. By faith.

Yes, as Christians, life can still be rough for us in this world, but that’s to be expected. We were made by God, to operate in His power, not in the counterfeit power of the world that our spiritual caretakers taught us.

So, moving on in newness, let’s explore, discover, and embrace this new understanding of ourselves. Our Christ-centered new self.

Let’s live as the justified ones in Christ, empowered by His love to navigate the challenges of this world.

Remember, we were made for Him, and with His strength, we can overcome the world.

In Christ Together

Embracing your new self in Christ is a journey of discovery and empowerment. As world-weary Christian women, we have the opportunity to live in the fullness of God’s grace and power, leaving behind the confusion and disheartenment of the past. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and shine in this dark world.

Are you ready to embrace your new self in Christ?

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PS: Apologies up front: I think I’m going to switch sites for my newsletter so you may encounter some delay in recieving your emails. Thank you for your interest and I hope we can grow together in Christ.



Cheryl Watson
The Dove

The Happy Christian. Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.