Even Plain old ice Plant can Give Glory to God —

Lu Skerdoo
The Dove
Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2022


My photo

I was walking like I usually do most mornings and listening to Joyce Meyer speak today (on my Joyce Meyer phone app.)

As I walk, I always look around to see all the beautiful flowers that are starting to bloom. Then I saw this patch of plain old ice plant. (Above 👆🏼)

BUT…I kind of liked it.

It is just sitting there holding up its little arms (or whatever they’re called — I am not a horticulturist 😂) and looking all “uniform like”.

Some are different colors and shapes. But THAT’s what caught my eye the most.



Each one is unique.

They were planted with a Goal…to fill a space.

That must have been the plan of whoever lives there. Or perhaps by their gardener.

But it was a definite plan.

That reminded me that we too are fearfully and wonderfully made. ~Psalms 148:13–18~ (see below)

God has a plan for each of us.

We may not all look alike or sound alike or act alike. But there is some sort of plan for each of us.



Lu Skerdoo
The Dove

Let not your ❤️be troubled. I am Happy to be in the Chicken Soup for the Soul Book ~Miracles and the unexplainable~❤️😊