Go to Your Room!

It can be a good thing

Jenny Calvert
The Dove
3 min readNov 1, 2022


Photo by Gabriel Tovar on Unsplash

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28, NIV)

When my husband and I were raising five children, at times you can believe there was chaos, quarrels, and turmoil. It seemed as if long road trips would bring out the worse with fighting in the back seat. Whines of “He touched me!” or “Make her stop!” and “He keeps repeating me.” were echoed by “He keeps repeating me.”

If it went on too long, I would say, “1,2,3 Quiet Game.” Everyone was supposed to be silent, but giggles and complaining soon turned into a full-out war zone.

At this point, I would pull out the Sargent momma’s voice and say, “You each look out your separate windows. Don’t speak to each other! Don’t touch each other, and don’t even look at each other! That’s it!” Of course, remember, I had five children, some would be in the middle, but they knew I meant business.

Photo by Nicolai Berntsen on Unsplash

Silence! Golden silence for a few glorious moments.

Sometimes I would sentence my children to their room when they were misbehaving. Those days were no cell phones, computers, or electronic devices with games. Nowadays, children can be well-entertained in their rooms. Therein lies the problem.

We need to unplug and have quiet time.

Have you ever wished that God would say, “Go to your room!” when your day is chaotic? A sanctuary place can be anywhere. We can find it on a walk in the woods, swing on the porch, or our knees in the closet. I have even found solace in a bathroom. I kid you not!

We are already the dwelling place of God, so our options are endless. Where we are will work for our worship temple.

The Beach Boys recorded a song titled “In My Room” in the 60s. Their beautiful harmonies can lull you to a place of imaginary serenity. The lyrics are:

There’s a world where I can go

Tell my secrets to

In my room

In my room (in my room)

In this world I lock out

All my worries and my fears

In my room

In my room (in my room)

Do my dreaming and my scheming

Lie awake and pray?

Do my crying and my sighing

Laugh at yesterday?

Now it’s dark and I’m alone

But I won’t be afraid

In my room

In my room (in my room, in my room)

In my room (in my room, in my room)

Songwriters — Brian Wilson and Gary Usher

We are never alone with Christ in our hearts, and He knows we all need just a few moments of disconnected quiet where we laugh, cry, and speak honestly and openly to Him. He wants us to share our secrets, plans, dreams, and schemes. Our fellowship with Him is a form of worship to our Pappa–Father God.

After we have spilled out all the pandemonium in our heads, we can stop, take a deep breath, and listen. It’s time for us to be still and patiently wait.

God will always respond, even in His quietness.

When you face a bombardment of your body, mind, and senses, my suggestion is, “Go to your room!” wherever it may be. Turn off your computer and phone. Shut the door and close your eyes. Help yourself to some reflection, peace, and spiritual renewal. Filling up on Christ will equip you to face worldly chaos later.



Jenny Calvert
The Dove

Jenny is a Christian devotional writer. She writes for several magazines, books, and online venues, sharing the peace, hope, and light of Christ.