God Loves Us So. His Promise is to Never Leave

Mrs Diane Mary Markey
The Dove
Published in
6 min readAug 24, 2023


God’s promise is true. He will never leave us alone.

Illustration by iStock.com

I’ve Seen the Lightning Flashing.

I’ve seen the lightning flashing,
And heard the thunder roll,
I’ve felt sin’s breakers dashing,
which tried to conquer my soul,
I’ve heard the voice of my Savior,
He bid me still fight on:
He promised never to leave me,
Never to leave me alone.

No, never alone,
No, never alone,
He promised never to leave me,
Never to leave me alone: (Author Unknown, Christian Hymnals)

Introduction. Almighty God desires us to struggle on still. We have Jesus’ true and eternal promise to never leave us. Never to leave us alone.

Jesus, God the Son as He neared the closing of His earthly ministry. Prepared His disciples for this ending, for His departure. Their Lord, their God had been with them day and night for three eventful. Three life-changing years. These disciples had witnessed healings, wonders and miracles. Acts of divine and pure love never before beheld. These men and women had heard Jesus preach of the Kingdom of God.

These close friends of our Lord loved Him so. They had shared meals with Him and perhaps many a tear. They had been taught by Jesus how to pray to God, as their intimate Father. Now Jesus their beloved friend and their personal Lord. Was telling of…



Mrs Diane Mary Markey
The Dove

Published inspirational books on my love for God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The articles on Medium also are Christian stories. Retired Counselor.