Holy Spirit Leads Us from Temptation Back to the Love of God

Mrs Diane Mary Markey
The Dove
Published in
6 min readJun 23, 2023


It is the little temptations in life that lead us astray. His Spirit brings us back to God’s loving embrace.

Illustration by iStock.com

Holy Spirit Dwell in Me.

The flesh cannot Please God.
Earthly desires,
Its goals and pursuits,
Have no eternal value.

God in us, His Holy spirit,
Will please God
His justice will be found.
in our hearts, minds and souls. (Cyndi Robinson)

Introduction. To please Almighty God and to walk daily in His Holy and loving presence. Is our deepest desire.

What is your deepest desire? This longing that burns incessantly in your soul? You and I want with all our hearts to please God and to obey each of His Holy Laws. This we need to do. To prove, each day our love for our God, for our Father. We hunger for His closeness and crave for His love daily. You and I above all else yearn for His Holy and soothing presence always.

In the deepest recesses of our hearts, we know what is right and holy. To love and please God. This is our deepest yearning and aspiration. But, when tempted by the little things, we stray from God’s chosen path. You and I wander from the right and holy ways of our Father, God. We reach out our hand for the forbidden fruit and blame Satan.



Mrs Diane Mary Markey
The Dove

Published inspirational books on my love for God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The articles on Medium also are Christian stories. Retired Counselor.