The Dove

How to Submit to The Dove

Need help? No worries, we gotcha

Kail Harbick
The Dove
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2022


Photo by Dose Media on Unsplash

We are happy you want to submit an article to The Dove.

For the writers who have been around the block many times, this will be yada yada yada and you can skim this article or click out. But, for those who are brand new here is a step-by-step guide.

Here are the Step by Step instructions after The Dove portal has been opened to you.

Step one: Write your article. I like to write my drafts in Word and then copy and paste them into the “drafts” section in Medium. You don’t have to do this though. You can write your article directly into the “draft” section if you want.

Step two: Edit your article over and over and over again. Format with lots of white space. Add pictures. The Dove does not care how many pictures you incorporate into your article.

Step three: When you are done editing, formatting, and adding pictures up top on the right hand of your screen is three dots, click on them, a drop-down menu will appear.

The first option is “Add to publication” click on that tab. Next, you will see “Select a publication.” A list of those publications that you have asked to join, will be listed. Click on the empty circle next to the publication you choose to submit…



Kail Harbick
The Dove

Hi, I’m Kail Harbick. I am best known for my appearance on the CBS reality television show Big Brother, season 8. Top writer in Television and Inspiration