Holy Hormones Bible Study: If your book isn’t a buzz, it’s not the Bible.

Is Torah mythinformation?


Brad Banardict
The Dove


Disclosure: I’m not a Messianic. I’m an NT Saint who has been exposed to my OT Heritage.

Trigger Warning: If you have already read any of the articles FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD #12 to #14, you can skip this section. This warning introduces every one of those posts.

The content of the articles FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD #12 to #14 could well burst a kafoofle valve for some people. So, if you decide to progress along the road less travelled, prepare a survival kit (comfortable couch, box of aspirins, hot water kettle, and tea leaves) before you begin in case you need an aspirin, a cup of tea, and a good lie-down in the event of a severe attack of cognitive dissonance.

The object of the posts is to untangle the confusion about which day Mary and the girls found the stone rolled away.

It has certainly made my brain hurt because the phrase, שַׁבַּת שַׁבָּתוֹן/Shabbat Shabaton/H7676 H7677, is a friction point of contact where Hebrew thought patterns (Hebraisms) collide with Western Greek logic, and the result is cumbersome.

If I have done a good job there is enough evidence presented to confirm that, except for Yom Kippur, there is only ONE Shabbat occurring in each seven-day cycle, and that is on day SEVEN. Every Shabbat is a day of no work but not every day of no work is a Shabbat.

But that is yet to unfold.

Don’t expect anything polished. You may find it so confusing that it is impossible to decide if it’s nonsense. You may even find it so bad that it is not only not right, it’s not even wrong.

Keep in mind that I have no Theological Qualifications. When I worked for a living my day job was mining engineering — an oxymoron if ever there was one — where my skill set was digging holes and washing dirt. I don’t tell you this to spruik my creds but to let you know that, if you continue, you have only yourself to blame.

Continuing the rag-tag series on the closer examination of some of the aspects of the Passover/Last Supper.

If you have come in part-way through the series, there is some explanation in the earlier episodes to be found in FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD.

Following on from FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD #12

• Shabbat/H7676 and Shabaton/H7677 go together like horse’n’carriage but this is a cumbersome Hebraism where two concepts (both in noun form) applied to the same day. It does not translate easily into Greek. The translation complexity is briefly examined in FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD #14 (which is the next cab off the rank if it hasn’t been published yet.)

• Shabbat/H7676 is the only day in Yehovah’s perpetual seven-day cycle which has a name (the other days in the week are defined numerically). It is ALWAYS the seventh day, and ONLY the seventh day, in the cycle.

• Shabbat/H7676 occurs only once per week.

• There are days of ‘no work’ decreed by Yehovah in His Feasts which occur inside the week (Leviticus 23). So, every Shabbat/H7676 is a Shabaton/H7677, but not every Shabaton/H7677 is a Shabbat/H7676.

• Shabbat/H7676 is a word spoken only by Yehovah — He gives it the same weight as the Most Holy Day in the Hebrew Year, Yom Kippur. (Tread carefully with Shabbat/H7676, you NT Saints.)

• The times appointed for the Feasts of Yehovah are defined by a mixture of days of the week and dates in the year. In this article, the dates (numbers) are the controlling factor.

Question: What is the sequence of events during the period around the Feast of Unleavened Bread?

As usual, there is some more Biblical knowledge to be known before any true progress can be made.

In the Word of God there is always something deeper. The nit-picking, nebulous, Gnostic, navel-gazing, know-all, naysayers obviously can’t see that they are outclassed.

That is so sad. They are worshipping the wrong god — their own ego — which is so far behind the Holy Spirit they can’t even see His dust. (But He is not petulant. He’s eager to come when they call. He did for me.)


Something strange within something weird

The strange thing to me is, “Why is there so much redundant precision contained in a myth that, of course, could only be written by someone who was there but wrote it much, much later?” (Wrap your brain around that. It will be easily assimilated by some but will trigger a severe case of brain-hurt to others.)

Why does the narrative revolve around numbers?

For one thing, numbers are harder to corrupt than words, which can be vague. George Orwell wrote in his book, ‘1984’, “First kidnap the word, then hijack the meaning”. If you don’t see that happening in today’s society, you haven’t been paying attention. [1984 is a book recommended to all Christians these days. That would not have been the case a few years back.] So, the Author (a.k.a. Holy Spirit) has always been ahead of the pack. He seems more Intellectually Agile than some old white guy (Charlton Heston, anyone remember him?) wandering around the wilderness on a camel.

God uses numbers to produce precision.

I make many statements where I’m open to correction, but there are some that I’m not. I’ve done a few sums in my life so I know something about numbers. If those numbers have a definite meaning — even only one of the numbers — the narrative has credence. It is therefore a place to dig deeper. When there is a wrong number, there is no smooth pattern.

The Fibonacci Sequence is a good example.

Fibo who?

Fibonacci, also known as Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo of Pisa, or Leonardo Bigollo Pisano, was an Italian mathematician from the Republic of Pisa, considered to be “the most talented Western mathematician of the Middle Ages” lived from c. 1170 → c. 1240–50.

It has not been found if he was Righteous.

However, he analyzed the beautiful complex patterns occurring naturally around him and discovered the Maths of God, the Golden Ratio, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The Revelation Of Fibonacci In Nature — The Math Of God

But you will see in Figure 1 that there is a naturally occurring pattern about which he would be absolutely oblivious — DNA.

This would be indicative that the sequence was discovered by Leonardo, not invented by him.

One piece of precise, but apparently useless, information in the OT

It is written in Genesis 8:4 || “and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.”

So what?

It makes no sense without some knowledge of the Jewish calendars.

Yes, to those who are unaware, there are two. Initially, there was the Civil/Agricultural year which begins in the northern autumn (Former Rains) in the Hebrew month of Tishri (Sept — Oct). But in Exodus 12:2 The Lord racks it up a notch by declaring the beginning of the Religious year. [The Torah is soon to be published at the time, but we won’t get into Dispensationalism.] It begins in spring (Latter Rains) in the Hebrew month of Nisan (Mar — Apr). These two years run concurrently, but off-set by seven months, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Jewish calendars and Yehovah’s Feasts

[CAUTION: Travelling through the OT the Civil and Religious years are often flipped around, depending on the circumstance, so keep vigilant.]

It is easily seen in the Figure that the seventh month in the Civil/Agricultural year is Nisan, the first month of the Religious year.

That is, the seventeenth day of the seventh month (17th Nisan) is in the middle of the Spring Feasts of the Lord.

There is only one Baptism that counts — ¿but there are many?

This is not an article on Baptism, but it is necessary to know that there are a number of Baptisms mentioned in the NT.

One of these is the Baptism of Noah (Genesis 6:13; 1 Peter 3:20­-21).

Patterns (a.k.a. types) are laced through the Scriptures.

A useful way to visualize this is to compare the Greek model of prophecy (Western Logic) to that of the Hebrews. The teaching of the Koinonia Institute is that the Hebrew thinking pattern is, “Pattern is Prophecy.”

Greek Logic (Beginning-Middle-End-Beginning-Middle-End….)
Hebrew Logic (Beginning-Middle-Beginning-Middle→ Toward an End)

Something special about the Baptism of Noah.

Noah doesn’t get wet!

It is not unreasonable, therefore, to deduce that Noah and Family are not the stars of the Event — as important as they may be.

There are at least six ways that Noah’s Ark is a Type of Christ.

The Biblical description of what happened on the Cross is given in the beginning of Romans 6:1–11.

The logic of the analogy of the Ark and Christ is that those in the Ark were sheltered by the Body of the Ark while God wreaked His Wrath on the World, physically. Those in Christ have been sheltered by the Body of Christ while God wreaks His Wrath on the World (G2889 — kosmos = those hostile to the Things of God) (Much more to be said on this at another time.)

Applying Rabbinical Logic to the analogy (even though Rabbis do not smile upon the idea of Jesus), the Ark setting down on the Earth at the conclusion of the tumultuous period of the Wrath of God is a type for Jesus setting down on the Earth after another turbulent period of the Wrath of God — which is yet to come.

This seems like a stupid suggestion until the application of some simple arithmetic.

From Genesis 8:4, the Ark lands on 17th Nisan.

From Matthew 27:45–50, Jesus makes His last gasp at about 3p.m. on 14th Nisan.

Jesus in the Grave for three days . 14th + 3 = 17th. (Hold on to the thought of 3 days+ 3 nights for a while. There is another article in the queue.)

That week, the Resurrection of Jesus was noticed early morning of the first day of the week (Yom Rishon = “first day”), which is the day after the seventh day of the week, Shabbat, which is Sunday (duurrr).

What does Leviticus 23 say about a day after Shabbat?

It is the day of the Feast of First fruits, Leviticus 23:11. (Remember, the Word of God stipulates there is only ONE, SINGLE, ALONE Shabbat in each week, and it is day 7 — regardless of what anyone’s theory needs it to be.)

So that week the date of the Feast of First fruits that year is 17th Nisan.

If you can see a flaw in my logic and arithmetic, I’m sure you won’t hesitate to inform me.

Now that all the information is available, a Précis of Leviticus 23:4–14

The action starts to happen on 10th Nisan (detail given in Bible text, Exodus 12:1–6) but cranks up between 14th (detail given in text, Leviticus 23) and 21st Nisan (calculated from detail provided in Leviticus 23).

(It is easy to forget that the Jewish day begins at starlight. You may already be aware that our day begins at midnight, several hours later. Also, the Leviticus Passover meal is slightly different to that of Exodus because the Egyptian one was a one-off.)

• 14th Nisan: Day of Preparation — Passover lamb slain and prepared, Crucifixion — normal working day.

• 15th Nisan: First day of the seven-day Feast of Unleavened Bread — Passover lamb eaten during hours of darkness — it is called a Holy Gathering or Holy Convocation — no servile work allowed.

• 17th Nisan: There is apparently no specific mention of the Feast of First fruits — at least not here in Leviticus 23 — but it is the lynch pin provided in Genesis 8:4 and expanded upon, above.

• 21st Nisan: Final day of the seven-day Feast of Unleavened Bread — it is called a Holy Gathering or Holy Convocation — no servile work allowed. [Note that the Hebrew word translated convocation/gathering is a commandment, directly from the Lord, to gather together. This is confirmed in Hebrews 11:25. All of us who have ceased from attending church, because we know better, must examine in our heart why we left.]

Linking dates to days for the Feast of Unleavened Bread that year

The Biblical definition of the day of the Feast of the First fruits is along the line of: -

° 1st day after 1st Shabbat after Passover High Holiday (High Holiday is always 15th Nisan); or
° 1st day after weekly Shabbat in Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Both of these = Sunday. In this case it is Yom Rishon, 17th Nisan.

This definition is not popular in the Rabbinical Judaism (and many Gentiles Messianic cohorts). One Messianic Fellowship explained this was because there could be a week between Passover and Feast of the First fruits. My argument is, “That is what happens when days of the week are mingled with dates of the year.” There is a bit of one-eyed perspective here because they are the loudest protesters against the timing of Good Friday.

But Karaite Judaism and Samaritans (they are still around) follow the instructions given in Leviticus 23.

So, the day of the Crucifixion is 3 days and 3 nights counted back from some time on Sunday.

In case you haven’t thought about it; that is not Friday.



The forgoing evidence has not been presented to convince any reader but to allow a personal decision to be made. There is much more to know about this subject. Perhaps you’ll pay another visit, sometime. If you have seen something you like, I encourage plagiarism. So, always check everything I say first, then please re-cycle, re-brand, re-structure, re-issue, re-label, or re-gurgitate in any manner you please. No need to acknowledge me because the Holy Spirit Who holds the Intellectual Rights.

All Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

(We all have a plank in our eye. It’s bigger than we think.)



Brad Banardict
The Dove

I’m a chubby little guy relying entirely on God’s Grace to get to Heaven.