Jesus Is In The Sunsets & Storms

The Beach’s Way of Reminding us of God’s Truths

Grace Bianco
The Dove


Picture of a sunset after my husband and I drove through storms all day to get to FL. — Author’s photo

My husband and I are surrounded by mountains in TN. It is a beautiful area, and we love it. However, it makes visiting the flat and sunny beach that much more different and beautiful.

The picture of the sunset above wasn’t anything crazy, but even the “weakest” beach sunsets are still some of the best. They serve as a great reminder of just how breathtaking God’s creation really is.

The world didn’t have to be made so beautifully, but He is a detailed artist. He surrounded the Earth with all kinds of beauty for us to enjoy.

As my husband and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary in Panama City, FL, I felt so relaxed for the first time in a while. In the dead of winter, I got to experience some of God’s sunnier creation. It was exactly what I needed.

I took so many photos on the beach. When we got home, I started posting on X. With every picture, I found the perfect verse to go along with it. I wanted to share them here. All of the photos/verses also reminded me of my own hilarious beach childhood story that serves as a great visual for what Christ does for us.



Grace Bianco
The Dove

I am the author of “Party Pooper: Growing up with Anxiety.” I love oversharing my life. I talk about my faith, marriage, mental health, & everything in between.