Orthodox Christian Holy Week — Holy Thursday Part II

The Hermitage
The Dove
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2023


The Creator of the Universe Washes the Feet of His Creatures

As mentioned in Holy Thursday Part I, one of the four events that are commemorated on this day is when Christ washed the feet of His disciples at the Mystic Supper. This can be found in the Gospel of St. John 13:1–17.

These hymns try to capture the immensity of the deed, that the Creator of the universe bows down and washes the feet of His disciples and creatures:

“The Maker of the seas, lakes and fountains, to teach noble humility unto us clearly, while girt with a towel did wash His disciples’ feet, so far humbling Himself in exceeding compassion and exalting us out of the pit of all evil, the only true Friend of man.”

“The Wisdom of God, that holdeth the watery chambers unsupported in the upper air, that bridleth the abysses and holdeth back the seas, poureth water into a basin, and the Master washeth the servants’ feet.”

“Today He that is unapproachable in essence taketh up the work of a servant. He is girded with a towel, Who wrappeth the heaven with clouds. He hath poured water into a basin, Who sundered the Red Sea; and He bendeth His knees and beginneth to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel wherewith He is girt.”

“Christ our Saviour, Who looketh upon the earth and maketh it tremble, boweth Himself down and toucheth earthen feet, giving them a firm step to tread upon every adverse power. Let us cry to Him with thanksgiving: O Thou Who hast shown us humility as the best way to exaltation, save us, O Good One, since Thou art the Friend of man.”

Christ washing the feet of His disciples. (Mosaic from Monreale Cathedral)

As can be clearly seen from these examples, over and over again in our services it is brought to our minds that the very Creator of the universe became man, the God-man, and walked among us, taught us, healed us, ministered to us, and loves us for all eternity.

Initiating Thy disciples, O Lord, Thou didst teach them, saying: O friends, see that no fear separate you from Me; for though I suffer, yet it is for the sake of the world. (from Aposticha of the praises)



The Hermitage
The Dove

I am an Orthodox Christian monastic living a quiet life of prayer, work and serving God. I write simply out of love, wanting to bring hope to others.