Mom to the rescue

The Dove
Nov 19, 2022


Photo by Rusty Watson on Unsplash

I was screaming like a Banshee, “Get him off, Get him off me.” I was in a panic jumping around trying to get that mean, ugly barnyard rooster off my back.

This was frightening for a 4-year-old being attacked by this huge squawking bird flapping its wings like crazy and not letting go. He was angry with me for shooing him away from his chickens one too many times.

I thought he was hurting the hens when he chased and jumped on them.

This was payback

It seems like it took forever for my mother, broom in hand, to run across the circular driveway to rescue me. I never went near the chickens again. It is a good thing my mother paid close attention to me for this would not be the only time she would have to rescue me.

