People and Not Preference

Felicia Smith
The Dove
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2024

Scripture: “For where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them.” — Matthew 18:20 (NIV)

In today’s world, it is easy for us to become focused on our own preferences and desires when it comes to church. We may have our own ideas about how worship should be conducted, what kind of music should be played, or how the sermon should be delivered. While it is important to have personal preferences, we must remember that the true purpose of gathering in the name of Jesus is to worship Him and build up one another.

The scripture from Matthew 18:20 reminds us of the essence of church. It is not about the grandeur of the building or the perfection of the programs. It is about the people coming together in unity, seeking God’s presence, and growing in their relationship with Him and with one another.

When we make church about man’s preference, we risk losing sight of the true purpose of gathering. We may become divided over trivial matters or focused on our own comfort rather than the needs of others. However, when we shift our focus to making church about the people, we create an environment where everyone feels valued, loved, and connected.

Making church about the people means prioritizing relationships over personal preferences. Does Jesus care if the Usher is chewing gum while they’re on their post? Yet Jesus ministered to 5K people while they ate fish and bread. Mind you, no where in the scriptures at that time was Jesus fasting. How do you think Jesus feels about your church’s man made rules when our Lord has a plethora of commandments in the Bible that we overlook, ignore, and choose not to follow. We have become so involved in creating our rules instead of following God’s commandments and building up His Kingdom that we are losing focus of what we are commanded to do.

Making it about people and not our preferences means being open to different styles of worship, embracing diversity, and seeking to understand and meet the needs of those around us. It means creating a safe space where people can come as they are, without judgment or condemnation.

Let us remember that the body of Christ is made up of diverse individuals, each with their own unique gifts, talents, and backgrounds. When we come together, we bring a beautiful tapestry of experiences and perspectives that enriches our worship and strengthens our faith.

As we strive to make church about the people, let us also remember that the ultimate focus should always be on Jesus. He is the center of our worship, the reason we gather, and the source of our unity. When we keep Him at the forefront, our personal preferences fade in comparison to His glory and the work He desires to do in and through us.


Dear Lord, help us to make church about the people and not about man’s preference. Teach us to value and love one another, embracing our differences and seeking unity in You. May our worship be a reflection of our love for You and our commitment to building up one another. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.



Felicia Smith
The Dove

Retired US Army Officer that spends my days reading the word of God. Writing is my therapy. Hoping my words bless you. May Blessings Chase After You!