Pray Right Then

When you say, “I’ll pray for you,” mean it!

Grace Bianco
The Dove


Photo by Worshae on Unsplash

How often do you say, “I’ll pray for you,” and then, forget to actually pray for that person?

This past week, I was listening to the Christian radio station, and they brought up the importance of actually praying for those in need of prayer. They said that they will sometimes pray with the person right there out loud, or immediately, pray when they walk away.

They asked a question that really stuck with me, “If all your prayers were answered tomorrow, would multiple people be saved from their troubles, or will you have won the lottery?

I talk to a lot of people in person and online, and I will admit that I don’t always remember to pray for all of them.

In my current phase of life, I am definitely not forgetting to pray for myself.

There is nothing wrong with praying for ourselves. We just need to make sure that we are praying for others that need them too.

Our prayers matter.

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Understanding Prayer



Grace Bianco
The Dove

I am the author of “Party Pooper: Growing up with Anxiety.” I love oversharing my life. I talk about my faith, marriage, mental health, & everything in between.