Sending out an SOS!

A desperate cry for help

Donna Cowden
The Dove


Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash

How long? How long, Oh Lord, must we wait?
We are crushed and broken, hungry and thirsty.
The pressure is unbearable, beyond anything we could handle alone.
It attacks from all sides, and its movement is swift.

Do you hear our cry? Do you see our pain?
Our weariness is overwhelming and suffocating.
We move from trial to trial, storm to storm, a never-ending flow.
Oh Lord, we seek Your intervention.

It’s not just one or two souls; so many are affected by this onslaught.
You had warned us that in this world, we would face trouble.
But we know that You have overcome this world.
Only You, Lord! Only You!

Lord, save us from the depths of these intrusions!
Slay that dragon and stop the curse.
Free us from these bindings.
Place a barrier between us and these skirmishes.

We need to come up for air, Oh Lord!
The waves knock us down, and the sea tosses us.
Sharks chase us and nip at our heels.
We are weak and have no power to overcome.



Donna Cowden
The Dove

Sharing the greatest love story in the history of the world: that of God with man and that of man with dog.