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Sometimes Ignorance Is Bliss

Knowing things may sometimes prove to be more painful than actually being ignorant about it

Author Anusha Hansaria
Published in
5 min readDec 10, 2022


While growing up, we used to live in a joint family, which consisted of everyone from my grandfather to my uncles and their respective families. As my grandfather grew older, he slowly started losing his hearing powers, as is common with old age. So, my father got him a hearing aid to help him cope with his hearing problem. But, he just used it for the initial few days, and then he stopped using it completely. He would always come up with some reason or the other for not using it. I couldn’t understand the reason for it at that time. My little brain just couldn’t contemplate why anyone would prefer not want to hear everything that was happening around them when they had an option and instead bear the inconvenience.

As I grew older, I started to get acquainted with what we call ‘Life’, and as we all have witnessed it on multiple occasions, it can get really tough at times. You meet all types of people and face all types of possible situations in this journey. Some experiences are good, and some may cause us immense pain. All these experiences(whether good or bad) get stored in our brain in the form of memories, and we just can never seem to forget about them, especially the painful ones.

More often than not, these painful memories consist of some actions but mainly words that seem to just prick our hearts like a sharp knife, which can never be healed. Just imagine, if for some reason, we weren’t able to hear those hurtful words being spoken, wouldn’t we have been able to rid ourselves of at least a tiny amount of pain?

All these years later, that is what I learned, and I was finally able to understand why my grandfather preferred not to wear the hearing aid. He just felt more at peace, not having to hear everything that was going around him, and instead preferred to keep his mind occupied with better things, and make the best out of the few years that he had left.

It is actually a bliss not knowing what people think about you. It is really none of your concerns, nor any of your business. As far as they treat you properly, you shouldn’t bother what they actually think about you or what is being said behind your back. You can’t control it anyway, can you? And moreover, we can’t dictate anyone as to what they are allowed to think or speak about us.

People can be horrible if they want to for no logical reason at all.

Getting to know any horrible feeling that someone may hold towards you will only bring you pain. Is life not tough enough as it is? Why should we invite more pain?

Isn’t it better to be ignorant about the ones those we can avoid.

In one of the most loved series — Friends — there is a character from it named Phoebe. There is this one episodes where they show that when Phoebe was young and her mother was still alive, her mother used to show her just the happy parts of the movies and switch it off before the sad endings and made her believe that life is full of just the beautiful things. It was just her way of protecting her daughter from the pain and distress of life for as long as it was possible for her. She didn’t want to break her little girl’s heart by letting her know how cruel life could be. She let her daughter be ignorant so that she could be happy and love life the way it is.

As we grow older, life teaches us everything and also gives us the strength to deal with it in it’s weird ways. So, it isn’t always a wrong thing to keep someone ignorant of some information that will only cause them to hurt. But we do need to seriously judge the fact that by hiding any such information, we aren’t causing them any harm in any way.

Some people have hereditary diseases, which may not cause any harm, but they just have it. Do you think them knowing about it will make any difference? Many hereditary illnesses have no cure and don’t really cause a lot of inconvenience in the person’s day-to-day life. Leading a healthy life is the best they can do. Once they get a name to their condition, it just makes it worse.

People then tend to link every single thing they may feel with the illness and increase their blood pressure for no reason. They tend to Google about the disease, and as we all know it, Google provides the worst-case scenario that may happen for any diseases. This leads the person to take excess stress and tension, which actually makes the person ill rather than the actual illness.

This way, the person harms themself much more than the actual illness would, unknowingly.

In such cases, don’t you feel it would have been best if the person would have been ignorant regarding any hereditary illness he may have and instead, just get any symptom treated that he may witness, as and when required?

It is not required to know about all the hereditary illnesses you may have until unless there are some precautions that you may incorporate in your life to keep yourself healthy. One such example may be that if your parents are diabetic, it would be better to control your sugar intake and get regular tests done to monitor your sugar levels. But, except for a few such hereditary diseases, all other hereditary illnesses are not necessarily required to be aware of if we want to keep our sanity in place.

Though there are several things in life that we ought to know to prepare ourselves and deal with it better, few things are best to be ignorant of.

Just enjoy your life to the fullest and deal with it in the best way you can.

One very meaningful quote that I completely agree with, goes as follows:

The only reason the world was a better place during your childhood is because you were a child.

— by J.R. Rim



Author Anusha Hansaria

Author of the book: The Soul’s Fuel( available worldwide). Love writing about life and life experiences. Android Developer by Profession, Blogger at Heart.