Holy Hormones Bible Study: Teaching — If your book isn’t a buzz, it’s not the Bible.


Are you really, really, really, really sure of that?

Brad Banardict
The Dove



There is a continuous stream of articles flowing from the Medium platform which deny the veracity of the Bible and claim it to be one of many books contrived by human intellects — as are all books — and riddled with error. I have spent some time studying the Bible and come to the opposite conclusion.

This perplexes me because the authors of these opposing articles seem intelligent enough, having an alphabet of academic qualifications following their names and, while some are belligerent to the point of savagery, many appear to be sincere. So, I have two concerns: -
° Are we reading the same book? (Using the collective noun for the actual 66 books contained between the covers.) Or,
° If it is the same book, have I got it all wrong?

Before the second concern can be addressed, it is necessary to settle the first.

Are we reading the same book?

Obviously, I can’t know what others have read but one verse seems to capture the flavour of all the numerous articles I’ve encountered. (But there are so many being published, even as I write this, no one could keep up.) It comes from a scroll which describes the futility of trying to live a life in the natural — under the sun, “Vanity. Vanity. All is vanity.” (Read, “Soap bubbles. Soap bubbles. All is soap bubbles.”)

It is written in Ecclesiastes 12:12(b) || Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh. And I must confess that there is so much contorted logic trying to force an issue, that sometimes I can feel the desperation of scoring non-existent points in an argument oozing out of the screen.

There are a multitude of hurting brains out there. So, I’ve chosen to look at only one book, The Bible.

Not only that.

Only one scroll, The Book of Esther.

A short background on the Book of Hadassah
Hadassah being her Hebrew name — meaning “myrtle,” a beautiful tree.

A prerequisite to understanding what is about to be presented here is that you have a working knowledge of the Book of Esther. It is not a long book and, if the Author were writing for Medium, a fortune would be made because it is very exciting.

The book is contained in the Septuagint (clues to the existence of which were as early as the mid-second century B.C.), but not found with the Dead Sea Scrolls, yet reappears in the Masoretic Text (the oldest complete copy being the one both Judaism and Christianity use for the Old Testament) roughly one millennium after Christ. This gives an idea of how long-ago Esther was written.

It is a drama having a cast of four major players: Xerxes the Emperor, Esther the heroine, Mordecai the hero, and Haman (an Amalekite), the villain.

Why wouldn’t it be found in the Dead Sea Scrolls?

No one seems to know, and theories abound. The strongest seems to be that old scrolls of the OT were not destroyed if they contained the Name of God. Reading the story, it is not obvious that God is anywhere around. Hold that thought as things begin to unfold in this article — that is, if you decide to follow it through to the end.

Other articles by me on this theme.

There are a number, and I won’t insult your intelligence by regurgitating them. This present article contains information so far unpublished by me so, if you really want to ridicule my efforts with credence, they must be read. If you have not read them, and decide not to do so, only you will know that you don’t have the gonads to walk the talk. After all, it may be that I have picked yours out of the crowd, so be fair. And besides, you won’t have the ammunition to deride my conclusions. You would have to create a Straw Man to burn. You are better than that.

Here is a selection. There are more if you want them.

The focus for this article will be QUEEN ESTHER AT NUREMBERG

A quick recap on that article is that on 16th October 1946, one of the Nazi elite, Julius Streicher, unofficially titled “Reich Jew-Baiter Number One,” was hung as a result of the Nuremberg War Trials. During the last 10 seconds before he dropped, he mentioned the Jewish Festival of Purim which is mentioned only in the Book of Esther.

The Nuremberg article examines the relevant chapters of Esther using something controversial called the Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS). It is not my intention to go into any discussion of the ELS, described here. Enough to say that I, personally, did some counting (using MSWord character count) to verify the conclusions reached by a website “Here a Little, There a Little,” to establish that the very exact date of the Nuremberg executions was written into the Book of Esther more than 2½ millennia ago. No abstract theory is presented. It is hoped that the figures will speak for themselves. I just counted the letters and verified the Hebrew → English translations using Google Translate. As a cross-check a friend of mine, whose Mother Tongue is Hebrew, made sure I wasn’t romancing with myself.

Figure 1 shows the results of the ELS analysis. Figure 2 shows the interpretation of those results. Much more detail is contained in the Esther at Nuremberg article.

Figure 1: Combination of ELS Results
Figure 2: Esther Coded Hebrew Date Converted to Gregorian Calendar



Listed below are more results discovered by the “Here a Little, There a Little” site. That is, words contained within the Hebrew text which relate to both the time of Esther AND the time of Hitler.

(If I get things confused here, don’t hesitate to correct me. Reading the Hebrew right-to-left and having the ELS being both right-to-left and left-to-right, then deciding how to present things in left-to-right English, makes my brain hurt.)

Figure 3 shows 21 Tishri and 707 in light grey. Across the bottom of this is the Hebrew word for Amalekite עמלקי (ayin-mem-lamed-koph-yod): an earlier model of Nazism. It has ELS of minus 7 (ELS is ambidextrous), beginning in Esther 9:27 and ending in Esther 9:26. The translation is confirmed in Figure 4.

Figure 3: ELS pattern of minus 7 beginning in Esther 9:27 and ending in Esther 9:26
Figure 4: Google translation of עמלקי (Amalekite)

The relevant verses of Esther are very busy, so several figures are necessary in order to avoid confusion.

Figure 5 shows more results of ELS analysis contained between verses 8:3–9:19 of Esther.

Figure ‎5: Additional ELS patterns in verses 8:3–9:19
  • HAMAN (Top group having three characters — red: in Figure 5)

ELS of 1, hey-mem-nun appears in Esther 8:3. Haman a pattern type for Hitler. Translated in Figure ‎6: Google translation of המן (Haman). This is not surprising because the story is about Haman.

Figure 6: Google translation of המן (Haman)
  • ARYAN (Bottom group having three characters — red: in Figure 5)

ELS of 1, aleph-resh-yod appears in Esther 9:8. Hitler’s objective in eradicating the Jews was to have a pure Aryan race — whatever that means. Translated in Figure 7: Google translation of ארי (Aryan).

Figure 7: Google translation of ארי (Aryan)
  • NAZI (Four letters connected with line — violet: in Figure 5)

ELS of minus 650, nun-aleph-tsadi-yod, beginning in Esther 9:19 and ending in Esther 8:9. Translated in Figure 8: Google translation of נאצי (Nazi). This word would not have been recognised prior to late 1920 when the term was coined.

Figure 8: Google translation of נאצי (Nazi)
  • TEN (Middle group having four characters — red: in Figure 5)

ELS of 1, ayin-shin-resh-hey appears in Esther 8:12. Translated in Figure ‎9: Google translation of עשרה (ten).

Figure 9: Google translation of עשרה (ten)
  • SON (Three letters connected with long-dash-short-dash line — blue: in Figure 5)

ELS of 20, beth-nun-yod, begins in Esther 8:15 and ends in Esther 8:16. Translated in Figure 10: Google translation of בני (son).

Figure 10: Google translation of בני (son)
  • HANGED (Four letters connected with long-dash line — black: in Figure 5)

On the top left part of the matrix, running vertically, the Hebrew word “hanged” (tav-lamed-vav-yod) appears at an ELS of 432. It begins in Esther 8:6 and ends in Esther 9:3. Translated in Figure 11: Google translation of תלוי (hanged). The English word is “suspended” but it can be seen that “hanged” is also an acceptable translation.

Figure 11: Google translation of תלוי (hanged)

Is there a code there?

You must decide for yourself.

How would any mere mortal know to write about Nazism AND THE EXACT DATE OF THE EXECUTION OF TEN OF THE ELITE NAZIS all those thousands of years ago?

Who would embed such a code? Who could?

When I was failing Physics in Days of Yore, I could misunderstand General Relativity as well as anyone. The only thing that stuck in my mind was that something without mass was not subjected to the constraints of time.

Now I read the Bible and it tells me that God is Spirit so has no mass therefore, by definition, is not confined by time. Perhaps you’ve noticed that mortals are. How can Someone, Who is Spirit, and outside of time effectively communicate with someone inside? He declares what will happen before it does, as is written in Isaiah 46:9–10 || Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure.’


What God says about Prophecy and Prophets.

It is written in Amos 3:7 || Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.

That’s clear enough to me.

If you believe that such a thing could happen by chance, your beliefs are far more outrageous than mine. And I have a bridge in a place called Sydney that I could let you have for a song.

The evidence presented is not complicated. It is up to you, the reader, to interpret it according to your own world view.

Do I expect to convince anyone?

Perhaps some but, sadly, not all. It is made clear in Ezekiel 18:23, Ezekiel 33:11, 2 Peter 3:8–10 that God wants all to come to Him and live. However, the famous John 3:16 shows that everyone is welcome, but it is full of subjunctive verbs which show that not everyone will choose to do so.

It is affirmed that this reluctance is not God’s choice in Acts 7:51 || “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you.”

It would be beyond good if the hardhearted, cleaver soul would yield to the Holy Spirit.

In his book, Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky discusses Atheists and miracles.

Miracles will not convince Atheists because it is a function of the heart. To my thinking, miracles are never a stumbling-block to the realist. It is not miracles that dispose realists to belief. The genuine realist, if he is an unbeliever, will always find strength and ability to disbelieve in the miraculous, and if he is confronted with a miracle as an irrefutable fact, he would rather disbelieve his own senses than admit the fact. Even if he admits it, he admits it as a fact of nature till then unrecognized by him.

There are many types of codes.

More than one type is embedded in the Bible. Another type is to come in the next post. There are even more but, if you don’t believe what is presented here, you never will. And that is truly sad.

So, are you reading the same book as me?

If not, I highly recommend that you upgrade to the Word of God and trash the piles of words about a god.

If we are, I highly recommend that you upgrade your view of what you have in front of you.

Next post we will discuss whether God is really, really, really, really missing from the Book of Esther.

The forgoing evidence has not been presented to convince any reader but to allow a personal decision to be made. There is much more to know about this subject. Perhaps you’ll pay another visit, sometime. If you have seen something you like, I encourage plagiarism. So, always check everything I say first, then please re-cycle, re-brand, re-structure, re-issue, re-label, or re-gurgitate in any manner you please. No need to acknowledge me because the Holy Spirit Who holds the Intellectual Rights.

All Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

(We all have a plank in our eye. It’s bigger than we think.)



Brad Banardict
The Dove

I’m a chubby little guy relying entirely on God’s Grace to get to Heaven.