The Biblical Perspective You Need To Know Today

The illuminating context of Romans 6 and Romans 10 isn't about losing salvation.

Cheryl Watson
The Dove
4 min readOct 12, 2023


Photo by Rosie Sun on Unsplash

So many Christians worry about losing their salvation. Have you now or ever been one of them?

I've never been afraid of losing salvation, but I have wondered if I was ever saved in the first place. I've got it all sorted out now, though.

Read on if you’ve wondered about the dreaded Romans 6 and 10 passages that, at first glance, seem to suggest a loss of salvation for certain Christians.

Many pastors and bible teachers use Hebrews 6 and 10 to inspire and motivate this erroneous teaching. If you have felt condemned by these passages, you can be sure it wasn't condemnation from the Holy Spirit, as the Bible says:

So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1(NLT)

Hebrews 6 talks about how we can taste the Gospel, and then it says if you've tasted it- if you've sampled it, and then walk away from it well, there's no other place to go.

Photo by Mette van der Linden on Unsplash

The taste tester

You've been in the grocery store, and they give you that taste tester, put it on a toothpick, and offer it to you, and you sample it, but then maybe you decide not to invest in the meal. Well, that's exactly what Hebrews 6 is talking about.

Two thousand years ago, a Jewish audience was sampling the Gospel. They were hearing and not believing they were hearing the best samples of the Gospel that God had to offer through the Apostles' own voices right there in Jerusalem!

Yet when they tasted that Gospel message and didn't go to the freezer to invest in the whole meal, that would create a problem. Instead, they went back to the temple for more animal sacrifices, and that's why the author of Hebrews says in that instance, there was no sacrifice left, only a fearful expectation of judgment. That's the only thing left for someone who rejects the gospel.

Unforgivable sin

So, that unforgivable sin, the one sin that God doesn't forgive, what is it? Well, it's that very thing. It's rejecting the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. After all, if the greatest sacrifice that could be made on your behalf is offered to you and you say no way, no thanks, I'm fine over here, well, of course, you're going to reap the consequences of that.

So, Hebrews 6 is not about a Christian who loses their salvation. In context, it's really about a Jewish person who flirted with the Gospel but ultimately rejected it.

In Hebrews chapter 10, we see that it says, "If we keep sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth…" Some people drummed up the crazy idea that if we keep on stealing hubcaps, if we keep on lying, if we keep on cheating, if we keep on struggling, if we keep on letting temptation get the best of us after we're saved, then well we're out of luck, but you know what? There's a context there, too, in Hebrews 10.

The sin of unbelief

The only type of sinning mentioned in ten chapters in Hebrews is the sin of unbelief. Hebrews is a pretty peculiar epistle in that regard because other epistles they're talking about the sins of stealing and lying and cheating and fornication, adultery, and all kinds of outward and apparent sins, but the Book of Hebrews for ten chapters deals with one sin — the sin of unbelief.

In context, the passage in Hebrews 10 beginning in verse 26 is saying to us if we keep on in unbelief, if we keep on unbelieving after receiving the knowledge of the truth, after all, what do you do with the knowledge of the truth you either accept it or reject it. But if we keep rejecting after receiving knowledge of the truth, there's no sacrifice left.

Instead, there's that fearful expectation of judgment! So, are we talking about a Christian who has lost their salvation? No, we're talking about someone who has received the knowledge of the truth, yet they go on willfully rejecting, not believing in the Gospel message.

So, rest assured, that is the simple explanation of those two passages that have troubled Christians for decades, even centuries.

Let’s not live in fear. Let’s see that the truth always sets us free, and when it comes to your salvation, He truly will never ever leave you or forsake you.

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Cheryl Watson
The Dove

The Happy Christian. Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.