Holy Hormones Bible Study: Teaching — not Entertainment


Analogous to Operation Market Garden in WW2 — we are in a savage war.

Brad Banardict
The Dove


The explanation is written in plain sight in the OT

Will all the parables be discussed in this series?
No. Only some of the popular ones about the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew.

Is there a difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God?
That will be discussed later in the series.

Before we start

First there is a Theological Concept that requires explanation if it is new to you, Expositional Consistency. When the Holy Spirit establishes an idiom, it remains constant throughout the Bible. The key is provided by Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:4 || “and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.” Now, if you have been doing more than just skimming, every time you encounter written, “Rock,” you will read, “Christ.”

The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

The Lord lays this out in Matthew 13:24–30

Just as a brief reminder: It involves a man who sows good wheat in his field and, as he sleeps, his enemy comes and sows tares (seeds of poison) among the wheat then goes on his way. When the wheat sprouts, so do the tares dispersed throughout the good harvest. When they are noticed, the man instructs his servants to leave the tares until harvest time when they will be dealt with appropriately.

The explanation of the Parable

The explanation for this one is easy because the Lord explains the symbolism in Matthew 13:36–39

• The Sower is Christ — by definition, building His Church
• The field is the World: kosmos (Strongs G2889), the political structure on the Earth governed by the Demonic Realm; all those who oppose the Things of God. They are made up of the actively anti-God and passive inhabitants of the Earth.
• The good seeds are the sons of the kingdom (by definition, the Church). The Saints with tares mingled in with the atheists and apatheists.
• The tares are the sons of the wicked one — the Devil. They are zizanion (Strongs G2215) which look like wheat early on but are poison. They are Satan’s emissaries, deliberate or naïve, inside the Church. Consequently the warnings of, “Be not deceived.”
• The harvest is the end of the age.
• The reapers are the angels.

Some keys for cracking the code are given.

The Lord specifies He is referring to the Kingdom of Heaven.

The good seeds are the sons of the kingdom. So the sons of the kingdom are in the Kingdom of Heaven. The sons of the kingdom are the Church which is located in, and surrounded by, the hostile World because it is written in Matthew 12:30 || He who is not with Me (Jesus speaking) is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.

The analogy

So, the Church is Jesus’s Bridgehead dropped into hostile territory by the Son of Man. Analogous to the Paratroopers dropped behind the German lines in Operation Market Garden in WW2. [Though Jesus has Prophesied a different outcome to Montgomery’s in Matthew 16:18 || And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.]

There are a number of analogies to Operation Market Garden. The area of contention was in the Netherlands where the populous was not part of the Paratroopers. However, they were held captive by the Nazis and longed to be delivered from the bondage. That would be done by the Allied soldiers (Christ through His Church) who would bring any of the populous who desired into freedom and safety. However, there were those who had done quite well under the Nazis and would have preferred to maintain the status quo. Also, because of the Saxon heritage of that part of Europe, physical appearance of the oppressors was indistinguishable form the oppressed. Jesus would defeat the Nazi Oppressors (the tares — Satan’s emissaries).

Why this thing about war?

If we weren’t in a war, why would the Holy Spirit instruct the Saints on the use of the Whole Armour of God?

Also, the Celestial Armies are described in the Chariots of Fire incident in 2 Kings 6:17, and the savage war is described in Daniel Chapter 10.

What are the major take-homes from this parable?

The Church, the sons of the kingdom, is the Kingdom of Heaven. (But more on this in a later post.)

My logic tells me that this is a warning for the (big ‘C’)Church to remain alert to God’s Word and reject Human philosophy. Your logic may disagree.

The tares are the infiltrators that Satan is trying to slip into the Church in order to establish a Fifth Column. It is difficult to distinguish one Saxon from another. I’m open to correction but it appears that many of these Fifth Columnists are operating from the Pulpit. Surprisingly, Shakespeare was on to this.

In religion, what damned error but some sober brow will bless it, and approve it with a text, hiding the grossness with fair ornament?
Shakespeare, Bassanio, in The Merchant of Venice, act 3, sc. 2, l. 77–80.

This became apparent recently when it was claimed that the use of the word, “homosexual,” in the Bible is the result of a translation error in 1946. The only surprise is that it took so long to drum up the “experts.”

The following link is an example of what is happening in one of the world’s premier Seminaries at Cambridge University in the UK. You will see that spiritual heavyweights of the Anglican church concur with the sentiment. Any brain-fart becomes doctrine.


The forgoing evidence has not been presented to convince any reader but to allow a personal decision to be made. There is much more to know about this subject. Perhaps you’ll pay another visit, sometime.

All Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

(We all have a plank in our eye. It’s bigger than we think.)



Brad Banardict
The Dove

I’m a chubby little guy relying entirely on God’s Grace to get to Heaven.