’Tis the Week Before Christmas

My little poem

Jenny Calvert
The Dove
3 min readDec 20, 2023


Photo by Matthias Kinsella on Unsplash

Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel. (Matthew 1:23, ESV)

Tis the week before Christmas, and all through my house
Everyone’s scurrying, including my mouse.
Clicking on gadgets, electronics, and toys
Thinking these options might bring someone joy.

Hoping the presents, with shipping that’s free,
Would arrive just in time to stick under the tree.
People in vehicles drive with less care
To go to the store is not something I’d dare.

So, onto my laptop, I go with a plan
To check off my gift list, all that I can.
Now Billy and Bobby, Tommy and Dan
And Sarah, and Shelly, Rebecca and Jan

I look at my list that’s attached to the wall.
Check them off. Check them off. Check them off all!

And then, in the background, I heard a sweet sound
Words of some music that left me spellbound.
The story it told of one silent night
Of angels and shepherds and a star that was bright.

It spoke of a virgin, Mary, her name,
A child in her womb from the spirit He came.
The one who would bring salvation to all
He was born on that night in a stable cow stall.

A meager beginning for one who was king
The reason for Christmas the gift that He brings.

Forgiveness of sin to a life that is new
Because of this message, I knew what to do.
I got off my laptop and went to the floor,
On knees before God, my heart opened its door.

I wanted this Jesus to live in my heart
Forgive all my sins; give me a fresh start.
Frozen heart that was hard, now melted like ice
A newness of spirit bought in me with the price,
By the blood that was shed by this baby boy
As a man, yet God, Good tidings, great joy!

Tis the week before Christmas; I’ll never forget
A decision I made, one I’ll never regret;
That Jesus would be my Savior and King.
So now I will spread this message He brings;
Of love and forgiveness, comfort and peace
Of life everlasting, sin’s shackles released.

So, along with my presents, I bought from online
My message of Jesus is a gift for all time.
Come to the one who brings life that is new,
A gift that is meant especially for you,
Healing, cleansing, the truth and the way,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good day!

Several years ago, I first published this little poem on the website www.dailyprayer.us under the link Daily Inspiration. Later, I published it on Pinterest and my blog, www.lifelessonsforchrist.blogspot.com. It has been seen by many all over the world. God has blessed.



Jenny Calvert
The Dove

Jenny is a Christian devotional writer. She writes for several magazines, books, and online venues, sharing the peace, hope, and light of Christ.