Trusting the Divine Clock: The Secret to Peaceful Waiting

Light x Bread
The Dove
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2024
Photo by Alessandro Bonanni via Pexels

I will take My rest,

And I will look from My dwelling place (Isaiah 18:4)

Isn’t this a beautiful picture of God — remaining quiet and watching?

Yet His silence is not to be confused with passive agreement or consent. He is simply biding his time and will arise at the most opportune moment.

Yes, God does have another point of view, and there is wisdom behind His words. Why did Jesus watch His disciples straining at the oars through the stormy night? Why did He, though unseen by others, watch the sequence of anguishing events unfold in Bethany as Lazarus slowly passed through the stages of his terminal illness, succumbed to death, and was finally buried in a rocky tomb? Jesus was simply waiting for the perfect moment when He could intercede most effectively.

Is the Lord being quiet with you? Nevertheless, He is attentive and still sees everything. He has His finger on your pulse and is extremely sensitive to even the slightest change. And He will come to save you when the perfect moment has arrived.

Whatever the Lord may ask of us or however slow He may seem to work, we can be absolutely sure He is never a confused or fearful Savior.

(from Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman)



Light x Bread
The Dove

A minute of menthol for the soul. A spot of oasis among the noise.