What Surrendering Daily Looks Like For Me

Applying my Word of the Year to my Everyday

Grace Bianco
The Dove


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I chose my word of the year to be surrender for a number of reasons. I really feel like this is the perfect word to reflect on and use as a constant reminder. Since I love it so much, I really want to stay on top of applying it to my daily life. The best way to hold myself accountable is by writing random posts on surrendering.

Last year, I chose the word intentional. While I feel like I did strengthen relationships and gave my all, I don’t believe that I was super intentional about being intentional lol. This year, I am being intentional in my surrendering. (;

So, how do I apply this to my daily life?

Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

I pray through the smallest negative emotions.

If I have a sudden rush of anxiety, I pray something like, “God, I have to trust that You are working in this. There is nothing I can do right now. These feelings are too much to deal with. Help me to focus my eyes on Your presence and not on these things that make me fearful.”



Grace Bianco
The Dove

I am the author of “Party Pooper: Growing up with Anxiety.” I love oversharing my life. I talk about my faith, marriage, mental health, & everything in between.