What’s On Your Mind?

Train your mind by filling it with God’s word

Sebastian D'Souza
The Dove


Photo by Aaron Owens on Unsplash

One time my wife and I were invited to dinner. We sat down, and they served us split pea soup. I had a bowl and she asked if I want seconds. It was good but I turned it down because I wanted to save room for the main course. To my surprise, the soup was the main course. From there we went to dessert. In my mind, soup is not dinner. I was disappointed. I could not believe they invited us to have split pea soup! Maybe they thought I only eat vegetables. But there was something missing.

Have you ever stopped to ask what is important to God? What’s the most important ingredient? Love? Faith? Church? Prayer? Bible Study?

Those are good answers: But the one thing that was not mentioned, is a transformed mind, a disciplined mind. That’s what is important to God, that our minds be transformed to be the mind of Christ.

When I take my dog for a walk I put him on a leash. Without a leash, it would be a disaster. He would get filthy by going into dirty areas. I don’t want that because I have to bring him home and he even sleeps on our bed. So with the leash I keep him “on the straight and narrow.” We need to do that with our minds. Otherwise, our minds will get into all kinds of stress and turmoil. It’s important we have discipline, a leash on our minds so to speak.



Sebastian D'Souza
The Dove

Writing is a form of therapy. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. I enjoy the pursuit of a balanced life.