Where Does Life/Our Souls Belong ? Who Brings us there?

Aamu Maria C.
The Dove
Published in
7 min readAug 9, 2024
❤ Credit goes to the BibleProject, for their amazing artwork while sharing God’s message ❤

What is the Tree of Life in the Bible? How does it reflect us, our world, and eventually the solution for the evil, and the sin we have created? What if there is a solution? And what are our roles in all of it then? Do we have the same purpose, you and I?

Good day my brothers and sisters, wherever you are in the world! I really hope you will enjoy today’s article, that the Lord has guided me through. All thanks to Him. ❤ Today, we will indulge in about the origin of our world’s evil and suffering, that we face, daily. Understanding this concept and its origin, we can walk in the same path, in the path of light, truth. So I invite you, believers and non-belivers to discuss one of the mysteries that has made living in this world…heavy, and often suffocating... okay?

And to non-believers reading this, please do not dismiss the answer waiting in the corner to be found, trust me, the Tree of Life, the original sin isn’t a fable story. ❤ Choose to seek.

  • In Genesis, in the Garden of Eden, there are two trees in the garden. One is the Tree of Life, where the Eternal Life is. (Which we know it is Jesus. Being the seed of God’s life.) The Holy of the holiest, God’s presence, where it’s intense. And this tree has fruits, the good fruits it produces, where Jesus invites to eat from. God wanted Adam and Eve to eat all the other trees. And now us, to eat also from this tree, because it transforms the one who eats it; leading to eternal life.

The Tree God commanded for Adam and Eve NOT to eat from, was the tree of knowing good and bad.

The tree that will kill you. Does it? No. And that is the lie the serpent (Satan) tells them, while saying some truth in the temptation. Eating that fruit, will indeed ‘’kill’ your spirit. Be further away from the light. So, we know personally how temptation, and lies the enemy tells us can be the sneakiest ones, right? So, this tree represents taking the authority to do what is good in our eyes. When Adam and Eve ate from this tree, and refused to repent to God when He gave them a chance to do so in Genesis 3:11. Adam puts all the responsibiltiy of the wrong doing on Eve, leaving himself out of the equation. And Eve saying: “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” is also avoiding the choice she made with her free will God gave.

Why does this sound familiar?

Because we witness this every day around the world. We are, or once were like Adam and Eve. Rebelling towards our Creator, deciding for ourselves what is better, even though we are flawed beings. Isn’t exactly what the world we live in encourage this choice? That we ourselves are almost gods…we can decide what morality is, despite our sinful nature. We have officialy forgotten the reality of the original sin.

The choice, the original sin, Adam and Eve made, we have made throughout history, is having a broken relationship with God, to violence, perversion, to even death. By even choosing for generations, gods of their own making (false trees).

  • But God has mercy and still chose us. And He promised His people, Israel, away. God being the source of all reality and life and the author of it, called the people of Israel among other nations to attach His holy name to them. To represent holiness to other nations. To be led towards the Tree of Life again. (but this calling isn’t done right, leading to Israel’s defeats) But prophets like Ezekiel affirmed that one day, He will restore His holiness. And that is who Jesus is, the one who restores.

He is the way the truth and the life. To live in Christ.

  • To become His branches in His Tree of Life. Eternal Life. Being part of Him, spreading the seeds and growing, and making this new garden fruitful.
  • When we love God and our neighbors, we are entering God’s Kingdom, a reunion of heaven and earth, and we are invited.
  • When we are stuck, it is excatly when God is planting you, to repurpose you in Jesus. Being attached to Him bears us the good fruit God commanded Adam and Eve to eat from initally. Starting with that small seed, maybe the smallest seed.

The Lord’s prayer that Jesus taught on the mountain, demonstrates just that, among other teachings.

  • For example, Jesus taught us to forgive those who have hurt us. Now why would you do that? Wouldn’t be that unjust, even though Jesus called to stand with justice? Wouldn’t that withdraw wrongdoings? Well, Jesus teaches us, that our desire for revenge keeps the cycle of pain going, for even generations. Forgiveness begins by naming the wrongdoing done to us, but then not seeking vengeance. We have to come into the habit of giving out our forgivness, like when we breath out. And breathing in God’s forgiveness will make you breathe out, and give the forgiveness we are meant to be doing to our neighbors.

What we do to others, we do it to Christ. (Matthew 7:12 & Luke 6:31)

But Jesus also exposed the corruption.

Many people rejected Him, the sustainer. And still do, and the cross was the result of human’s continuous choice of choosing bad fruits from the tree Adam and Eve ate from. Choosing the voice that leads you to make the choice that won’t align with God’s words/teachings, His moral law. To go on about how WE believe our reliability is the better route to justice, through our wisdom, relying only on our understanding. That is why we must pray to God ‘’to not lead us into temptation’’, so we will protected from the evil one’s lies.

And no, doesn’t always have to come down to a big, dramatic scene, but also in our everyday, ‘’normal’’ circumstances. But they matter regardless.

Jesus prayed this in the garden of Gethsemane, before being arrested. And because Jesus prayed this for so long, so when His greatest test came, these words, prayer, led Him to do Father’s will. And Jesus was delivered. And this act brought the heavenly Kingdom to Earth, and His holy name was restored, through Jesus. And we can participate in this story, becoming one.

‘’Thy Will Be Done, On Earth As It Is In Heaven’’

  • God’s love for the broken was demonstrated on the cross, His ‘’Rakhmah’’, and ‘’Agape’’ (self-sacrificing love, an unconditional love for us) while we were still sinners. He made this decision for us.

What is your choice?

What is to be human?

We have come to known the answer. To be fully human is to live according to our design by God and to be representatives and His children to embody God’s wisdom and love, but sin damages the image of God in us, and doing so makes us less human. Humanity disregarded this, and did not listen. The results are shown. One sin causes other sins. We have created the ability to cause suffering to ourselves and others.

Have you ever realized it? Especially before coming to Christ, or if you are a non-believer, that we tend to so easily fall into bad habits, and it seems easy to do wrong, but it is hard to leave them behind? I mean, even when we devote to Christ, we get still tested, tempted by sins of this world.

To be, and do good doesn’t come so naturally and easy. Even when we were children, we did wrong things. You might have not learned bad behaviours from your parents, but we still have hurt others, and even ourselves. Some then are unfortunately taught to do so... But my point is, that we so easily fall short, everyday. Why? That is why the original sin isn’t just some fable story, and even if you do not believe in the Adam and Eve story, you must admit that there is some truth, about the original sin.

Will you be the person walking towards Him today?

You have made it! If you have read this far, wow. I love you. ❤ Let’s share our insights! And even if you might disagree on something, do not shy away from having a discussion together.

Thank you for your support and love. God has been so good and graceful. Jesus loves YOU.

Aamu C.

As always, let’s end with a prayer: Heavenly Father, recieve our prayers of peace that we hope, for this dark, sinful world, as we desire to recieve Your guidance and voice, and the grace of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, may You find the lost sheeps that need Your embrace, Your love. May heaven recieve more of our brothers and sister who are yet lost. In Jesus name we pray,




Aamu Maria C.
The Dove

Ciao! I'm Aamu. A 22 y.o Christian,who wants to share the good news and more, spread the seeds everywhere, inculding on Medium! <3 My email on ''about'' section