Who’s in Control?

Who or what controls your life?

Doris Rouse
The Dove
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2024


Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Truth be known, we all have an underlying desire to control! Would you agree?

Would you also agree that most controlling urges are unconscious in nature and are most often motivated by fear arising from unmet needs, or self-serving desires and interests?

Some seek to control their responses, as an alternative to dealing with underlying issues, and unfortunately involves attempts to control others.

Most of us aren’t too concerned about the control issues of others until they affect us personally!

Whether it’s politics, religion, career choices, or how we invest our money, we tend to want to do things “our way.” (Elvis Presley made this into a hit song: “I Did It My Way.”)

But believing we are in control gives us a false sense of security. It can all be taken from us without notice. (Remember Job?)

Exercising control is a way of establishing our independence and can be a positive step towards maturity, except when it negatively affects our relationship with God or counteracts with another person’s needs or rights.

In making decisions within marriage relationships, in ministry efforts, or in business matters, consideration for the input of others is critical, and this is where we tend…



Doris Rouse
The Dove

Christ-follower, retired teacher, longtime cancer survivor, inspirational writer; author of "Reflection" poetry books. See www.prayerandreflections.com.