You Won’t Believe The Peace You’ll Find By Seeing God In The Mundane

Psalm 19:1 (+ new song)

Nico Zwaneveld
The Dove


Photo by Nick Scheerbart on Unsplash

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” — Psalm 19:1

Do you stand still to watch the sun set on the horizon? Or do you look up during a clear night to watch the stars? These moments seem as if the sky is putting on a majestic show for all of us. It’s a show that reminds us of the Artist behind it all.

I love to watch a sunset when I’m on the beach. It almost feels as if all the chaos in the world stops while God’s majestic art gallery is passing by. Something as simple as a sunset, and the peace and calm of the night are gentle reminders to me that God’s presence is everywhere, in the everyday and mundane. His presence is majestic, and at the same time, it’s also very personal. It’s as if God telling me, “I’m here.”

I see Psalm 19:1 as a reminder to look for God’s glory in the world around me. The skies, day after day, night after night, are telling a story — a story of His creativity, power, and love. The essence is: “He is the Creator and His work is good.”

God’s glory isn’t hidden away! It’s out there on full display, if you’re willing to see it. You can see God’s handiwork in the design of a leaf, the vastness of the ocean, and the countless…



Nico Zwaneveld
The Dove

Demystifying complexities to fuel personal and business growth. 🚀 Enriching faith with music. ✝️ Published author and global Dutchman who has returned home.