YOLT arXiv Paper and Code Release

Adam Van Etten
The DownLinQ
2 min readMay 29, 2018


The You Only Look Twice (YOLT) framework extends the popular YOLO algorithm to rapidly handle the extremely large file sizes of satellite imagery. Satellite images of upwards of 500 MB cannot be analyzed with existing algorithms, which motivated the development of the YOLT framework that can quickly run inference on images of arbitrary size. In previous blogs (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) we described the details of YOLT, as well as various applications: vehicle localization, airport detection, and building outline detection.

In this blog we are pleased to announce the release of the following:

The figures below illustrate a few example outputs of trained YOLT models applied to test images. We encourage the interested reader to explore the paper and code base, and stay tuned for upcoming tutorials on how to run both training and inference on your own dataset.

Figure 1. Building footprint extract with YOLT and SpaceNet building labels over Rio de Janeiro.
Figure 2. YOLT detections of airplanes in a WorldView3 image.
Figure 3. YOLT detections of cars in COWC data over Salt Lake City.
Figure 4. YOLT detections of boats near the Panama Canal. Terrestrial regions have been masked out with coastline and land cover boundaries from OpenStreetMap.
Figure 5. YOLT detections of airports in various Planet images.

