Dear Coffee Guy

a letter to someone I wronged in a dream

Benedetta Andreasi
The Dream Column
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2024


Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Dear Coffee Guy,

my dearest Man from the Coffee Shop in the Dream,

you lovely Dream Waiter,

I am so sorry for the way I left, truly. I mean, you were being unreasonable, but still.

It’s cliché but I must say it: it’s not you, it’s me.

I was feeling sad, it was a heartbreaking dream, and all sorts of negative vibes were going on: it was cold and I was unreasonably jealous over a friend getting into a relationship (he was not in the coffee shop so you wouldn’t know who I’m talking about).

When I sat down in your shop it was truly wonderful to finally sit in the warmth of a cozy hipster-looking cafe. Well, I knew it was going to be pricey if the decor was any indication. Plus I had a vague suspicion that we were in a Northern-European country, and I know how much life costs up there.

So yes, I had been warned.

I did only order a small cup of coffee and a dry old biscuit, though. But I understand how this is not on you.

I also hate that I ruined whatever we might have had, you know, like a pleasant dream-client and dream-waiter interaction.



Benedetta Andreasi
The Dream Column

Writer, artist, life enthusiast, aspiring scholar, aspiring tailor, jack of all trades. Curious about everything.