The Dream Emporium

Patrick S. Smith
The Dream Emporium
Published in
1 min readDec 1, 2022


Date: 1-Dec-2022


After losing my primary publishing journal twice, I decided to start my own. Not that I wanted to be an editor or run my own journal on Medium, but I felt it was a necessity to ensure my work had a home.
So here we are at The Dream Emporium, a publication for fiction short stories.

Becoming a contributor

Simply e-mail me a draft link of your story to with the title “Consideration for becoming a contributor.”

Submission guidelines:

  1. Be a Medium member.
  2. I have poor editing skills, so please make sure your work is tight. I suggest using ProWritingAid or Grammarly before submitting work.
  3. Ensure all submissions have the tag “The Dream Emporium” in them.
  4. Preferably, keep your work under 30 minutes read time.
  5. Web novel/serialized stories/themed series are welcome. Heck, that is what The Chronicles of Olith is.
  6. Romance is good, but no erotica. If I think it goes too far, I’ll let you know.
  7. Abuse and cruelty for the sake of being abusive and cruel is out. This can get into a gray area, so again, if it goes too far, I’ll let you know.
  8. Feel free to crank that creativity up past eleven.

Patrick S. Smith is a retired vet venturing into the world of poetry and short stories on Medium. If you like or dislike it, please feel free to leave a comment. I can be followed at The Writings of Patrick S. Smith



Patrick S. Smith
The Dream Emporium

I’m a retired veteran, father of 2 daughters, dabbling in writing poetry and short stories. I can be followed at The Writings of Patrick S. Smith