The Dream

The Dream Journal
Published in
4 min readDec 18, 2017

Good dreams are experiences which are forgotten over time. I have a nightmare I have been hiding for so long. Ironically, the most unclouded memory of any dream I have ever had.

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During my early college days, as a part of my hostel life, I encountered what we youngsters call “FREEDOM of life”. This was the first time when I was living all by myself, away from my family and with a sweet roomie. I was and still am, very fond of horror tales and fantasies.

I was blessed with the comfort of a carefree environment with hardly an adult to keep a watch on me. Taking this as an opportunity to experiment with all the tales that were once read and heard, one fine day I gathered all my strength to find a fool-proof, harmless witch spell. I summed up my sense of adventure and utter curiosity, all in one sentence to ask Google which spells I should pick. The spell I picked was a ‘Dream Catcher Spell’. Simple and harmless, I thought it to be.

Unaware of the consequences, I started the witch’s procedure to catch all my dreams I was about to have that night. The procedure included the spell, a pen and a paper, and sleep of course. I slept to wake up half-sleep, in the middle of the night to jot down my 1st dream and then sleep again. Then was the 2nd dream as I clearly remember and the cycle was repeated. The easy part was over and the third dream scared me to death.

In the dream, I found myself sleeping on the bed, no different from how reality would present it every day. I could feel every single thing as if it were to be real. In the blink of an eye, something broke my sleep. I sat upright and saw a chair on the other side of my bed, the one opposite to the sidewall. There was someone sitting on it. Her hair fell on her face making it impossible for me to see her face. She was sitting there, staring at my unconscious body lying still on the bed, as if she was watching me dream, rather than watching my dreams. I crawled to stand south of my bed, only to turn around and see myself sleeping. It was as if my “astral body” was the one which was conscious, and my physical body was being watched by the presence.

Out of nowhere, I(my astral form) heard a scream on the other side of my L-shaped room. I turned around and ran swiftly to the wall, only to discover that it was blank with no other girl in my room. “Where did the scream come from?” a thought popped in my head. I turned around to the door and found some other girls I know standing right outside the door. Their bodies were covered in blood spots. They were all scared and stood dumbstruck right at the entrance of my room. No one stepped in. The halls echoed screams of girls like those from the devil’s invisible realm. I ran towards the familiar faces and stood 3 feet away from the frame, watching them grow pale.

The crowd then parts to let one thin, short girl in a white frock with hair veiling half of her face, reveal herself to me. She stood there facing the ground. I looked at her from head to toe, only to discover that her foot is just like mine. I heaved a sigh of relief ‘cause it meant that she was a normal girl like I was and not a lamia as the legends say.

She slowly raised her pale right arm to point her finger at me and voiced a shrill scream with her pitch rising with every single inch. Her eyes grew wide and hand shivered, yet she kept pointing at me, in a sense that “I am the reason for all this. The devil is inside me.” I hastily turned around to see blood splashed all over my room. I tried to get out, I tried to get past them but at the very peak of her scream, the door slams on its own and I was trapped inside.

The lights go off and I get up with sweat rolling down my forehead. It was 3 AM, I was in my bed and the chair was set in place along with the study table. I heard another scream from the corridor, just like the one in my dream, and it jolted me awake. It was 6 AM, I was in my bed; the chair was set in place along with the study table and it was all a dream.



The Dream Journal

| Urban Planner | Architect | Writer | Urbanist . India