How To Submit To The Dream Journal

Where your dreams are our nightmares!

Zachary Phillips
The Dream Journal


Image Credit: Sayed Ahemad

The Dream Journal is a space to share and discuss all things dream related. Entertain us with stories from your dreams. Make us quiver in fear at your nightmares. Help us to become lucid alongside you.

The number one criteria that we are looking for is entertainment.

Write your dreams as if they are a piece of short fiction, not as a check list of stuff that just happened to you.

If that means you have to omit some details, compress time, combine some characters, or tweak a plot point, that is fine. Just don’t be boring!

Lucid Dreaming:
We are also curious about enhancing our lucid dreaming capacity. So meta posts are welcome, either in the form of discussing how you became lucid in the dream, as well as ways that you enhance your chances for lucid dreaming.

Dream Analysis/Interpretation:
If a dream submission inspires you to dig deep into the symbolism, hidden meanings, or perceptions of the dreamers mental state, please share your findings ~ just make sure to link and quote the original where appropriate!

Submission specifics
1) Length: 300–1000 words is ideal.
2) One picture only: with…



Zachary Phillips
The Dream Journal

Awareness. Acceptance. Authenticity. Helping people navigate dark nights of the soul.