3 LESSONS to learn when you think you are losing MOMENTUM:

Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2024


  1. You are focusing on the small battles, NOT the whole war.

One thing I’ve learned on my hiking days is that sometimes the DESTINATION matters.

Because when you reach the top of the mountain, you don’t remember how many times you think of giving up, or the amounts of small hills and rocks you’ve climbed over to reach the top.

You simply enjoy the beautiful view.

When you think you are losing your momentum, remember that you are only losing the small battles, not the WHOLE WAR.

Author’s Image

Zoom OUT, and move your vision HIGHER.

2. When you feel you are losing your momentum, you are losing touch with yourself.

How you motivate yourself, is how you motivate others.

How you inspire yourself, is how you inspire others.

How you influence yourself, is how you influence others.

There aren’t any competitions or enemies out there.

The only battle you need to fight is the one WITHIN.

The only enemy you have is the ONE within.

On those days when you feel that you are losing MOMENTUM, ask yourself these questions:

What inspires me?

What makes me JUMP out of BED?

What motivates me?

What triggers me?


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And you do exactly that, you learn to PICK YOURSELF UP.

3. As long as you’re still breathing, you can’t LOSE.

Every morning is the PERFECT day to START over again.

On those days when you feel like you are losing MOMENTUM, remember that,

As long as you’re still breathing,

You always have the choice,

to make the different decisions,

to yourself.

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You are the CREATOR of your LIFE.

Act accordingly.

Thank you for reading 💛

My name is Tracy Ly, the author of Oncloudcyy’s Newsletter , the owner of The dreaming Tree Publication House.

I’m glad you read my article and I hope my words find you in time of need.

A couple of my friends think of me as the World-Championship Day-dreamer because I live in my thoughts and dreams more than in life. Maybe life is nothing but our bubble of thoughts and dreams. I love sharing my experiences to the world, hoping that my words somehow make people feel less alone, as writing them does to me.

I write a lot about love, and relationships because I’ve learned valuable lessons about myself and others through the relationships I’ve had in my life. I hope you will resonate on a deeper level with my words and experiences.

If you love reading my words, please do me a honor and subscribe to Oncloudcyy’s Newsletter - the sanctuary I’ve created for all dreamers, whose thoughts take flight on the clouds. And who needs Cloud Nine for dreams when you’re soaring high #Oncloudcyy?

You can also show me support by buying me a strawberry latte 🍓☕️.

My socials:

X — https://x.com/Tracytly

Email — Oncloudcyy@gmail.com

P.S : I hope you stay a little longer, and enjoy learning the world through the lenses of a day-dreamer ☁️



Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree

World Championship Day-dreamer who turns thoughts into words, from the mind to the heart 💛