
Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2024


Miracle lies on every step you take.

Photo by Kristine Cinate on Unsplash

I’m writing this in my office — after my regular working hours — and I feel so blessed writing these words — the blessing of having a job that pays all my bills and supports my dream of writing online.

I strongly believe in divine timing — that things come to you in their own time, may it be a relationship, a dream job position, or something that you’ve always dreamed of — I have complete faith that each of them and all of them will come to your life at the most perfect timing.

But everything you have now — wherever you might be in life, I believe that’s where you are supposed to be too, and I enjoy every moment of living so much.

I’ve been writing a lot recently, even when there are moments that I just want to do nothing and stay in my little bubble of happiness and pure joy — there is always a force within me telling me to share my words — maybe a part of me wants to capture this moment of my current energy and share it to the world. Or maybe a part of me wants to remind myself of this period in my life that I simply enjoy being with myself.

Some of my favorite quotes this week,

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and retrospect.” — Anais Nin.

There are so many moments that I want to live twice — but that’s the beauty of life, you can never have the same moment twice — even with the same person at the same location. That’s why every moment is perfect — because you can never have the same one twice.

One time my ex asked me “What made life worth living if nothing lasted forever?” — and I said, “That’s exactly why life is worth living — because it ends. Nothing lasts forever, that’s why you learn to embrace every moment you have with someone you love; every hug is filled with appreciation and every kiss is filled with passion and love — as if it is the first and also the last time you’ve been with that person.”

“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”

There might be a relation to a Vietnamese quote, “Lam gi co duong, nguoi ta di mai thi thanh duong thoi.” — meaning that there is no such thing as a predestined path, rather, the path is created with each step you take.

I hope you know that your path does not have to be what you (and the world) think it is supposed to be.

I hope you know that there are many different trails to climb to the top,

And while you are climbing, please take a moment to sit down and enjoy the surroundings.

The miracle lies in each step you take.

Every moment of life is already a blessing.

I hope you have a great week enjoying yourself.

Thank you for reading.

Thank you for being a part of my writing journey. I’m very glad that you are here.

I hope you enjoy exploring the world through the lens of the World-Championship Daydreamer.



Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree

World Championship Day-dreamer who turns thoughts into words, from the mind to the heart 💛