
Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2024

A day in the life of a daydreamer.

I will never write about the Sunset.

The only love that I will keep for myself.

Author’s Image.

This week has been incredibly busy at work, and I feel physically and mentally drained every time I get home, all I want to do is take a bath, write, and watch the sunset.

Every day right after work, I come to sit outside the balcony of my local gym, I lie down on the grass and watch the clouds drifting by, I watch them floating toward one another, then floating away — unbothered. Watching clouds always brings me comfort, as if my guardian angels are hiding behind them, showering me with love, and energy.

Then I think of this old poem I’ve written a long time ago.

“People come and go,

And dilute each other’s memories,

But life is life, and kind is kind,

Love remains, no matter what.”

I often find myself thinking about those who were once part of my life but are no longer here, especially during this time of year, because July is the most special month to me. Although they are no longer in my life, the memories of us being together once always fill my heart with love and gratitude.

But losing people is always a painful experience, especially those we love dearly.

I’ve realized that the trauma of losing someone dearly to me has been overwhelming that I hesitate to open myself up to any new relationships. The pain of saying goodbye, especially to those we cherish the most, can feel unbearable.

But when I look at the clouds, carelessly floating around, I realize how silly I’ve been — taking life way too seriously — everything we go through is just a part of living, an experience meant to be embraced.

When life is good, then it’s wonderful.

When life is bad, it’s merely an experience.

I hope you get out of your head today and embrace the experience of living your life.

And maybe some traumas are not meant to be healed, instead, we should carry them within our hearts — as reminders of the wonderful memories of the life we’ve lived.

The only way to live is to live.





Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree

World Championship Day-dreamer who turns thoughts into words, from the mind to the heart 💛