Dearest July.

Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2024

Letter to myself,

Author’s Image

Dearest Tracy,

Today is the first day of July and I know how happy you are, waking up this morning. The beginning of each month always fills your heart with excitement and hope, as if the universe has just handed you a fresh canvas, ready to be painted with endless possibilities and stories.

I hope July will be kind to you.

I hope you will buy lots of yellow flowers and wear all your favorite yellow dresses.

I hope everyday will be filled with laughter, and lots of laughter.

I hope you will reach all your goals and meet all your work deadlines.

I hope you will take extra good care of yourself; I hope no matter how the day might turn out; you will always come home with a heart filled with gratitude and love.

I hope you will take yourself out occasionally, and I hope you treat yourself to lots of fries, pasta, and everything you love.

I hope you learn to forgive yourself; I hope you learn to look at yourself through a much kinder lens and talk to yourself in a much gentler tone.

I hope you will have lots of drunken nights filled with laughter and blurry memories.

I hope you learn to let go of the past, of everything that no longer serves you well. I hope you learn to let go of the people who are no longer there with you because I will always be here with you and for you.

I hope you forgive the past. Let it go, let it all go.

I hope you meet lots of new people, make lots of friends, and have lots of genuine conversations.

I hope you open your heart and give people a chance, I hope you give yourself a chance, to fall in love with life, with people, and with yourself.

Remember when Stephanie told you, “Marriage is seeing your best-friend every day.” Fall in love, yet not the mediocre kind of love — Fall deeply, passionately, madly, and truly in love.

Let yourself fall in love, not because you find someone you trust, but because you trust me enough to know that I will always catch you when you fall, that no matter the outcome, I will always be there for you, pick you up and piece you back together.

Let yourself fall in love, the kind of love that fills your stomach with garden of butterflies, the kind of love that fills your heart with excitement and passion, that makes you want to jump out of bed everyday — that fills your days with pure joy and fills your nights with happiness.

There are so many mediocre things in life, don’t ever let Love be one of them. Don’t settle for anything less than butterflies and passions, even if those flames threaten to consume you entirely. Let yourself fall. Risk being consumed. Risk it all. Live.

I hope you know that even on the darkest nights, you are never alone, because I will always be there, with you, and for you.

I hope you know, “You are limitless” — that you can love anyone you choose to love, that you can create the life you want to live, that you can write about any topic that comes to your heart, even if the idea seems crazy to you and the world, I will always and always have your back. I will always support you and hold your hand through any obstacles in life.

Do not always try to be consistent. The wisdom of the world is madness in the eyes of God. To be consistent is always to wear a tie that matches one’s socks. It is to have the same opinions tomorrow as one has today. So long as you do no harm to another, change your opinion once in a while. Contradict yourself without being embarrassed. So, relax. Let the universe move about. Discover the joy of surprising yourself.

“God selected the crazy things on the earth so as to embarrass the wise men.” — Paulo Coelho.

I hope you know, “Love shines the brightest on the darkest night.” — when the world gets dark, and the path ahead becomes unclear, that’s when I shine the most, because I’m the light within, because I’m the love within — the only guiding compass you ever need to move forward. Always move forward, my dearest Tracy.

I love you, so very much.

Be fearless, be dearest.

Be the Tracy you want to be,

Not the Tracy the world wants you to be.





Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree

World Championship Day-dreamer who turns thoughts into words, from the mind to the heart 💛