Do you really want to understand me more?

Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2024

Part of a 15 Days, 15 Stories Challenge.

This is a part of a 15 Days, 15 Stories Challenge put forth by Theo Rose who got the idea from James Moore, who got tagged by Diana C. And I’ve been inspire by Mike Sansone to do the challenge

If someone wanted to understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?


A book: The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book that always lingers in my mind:

“And what can life be worth if the first rehearsal for life is life itself?”

“There is no perfection only life.”

“Perhaps the reason we are unable to love is that we yearn to be loved, that is, we demand something from our partner instead of delivering ourselves up to him demand-free and asking for nothing but his company.”

I love the writing itself, but the story is the one that always stays with me.

The girl falls in love with a womanizer, and she accepts him for who he truly is, she loves him for the person that he is. When I was younger, I always wondered what would it take to love someone for who he truly was. — Strength.

Author’s Image

It takes not only courage but strength to love someone, and not just any kind of love, the unwavering love that sustains any kind of weather, the love that makes no sense to others, the love that is simply love.

It takes all your strength to love someone for who he truly is. No, I haven’t gathered all that strength yet. I’ve only learned to love someone from a far distance, where it’s safe for me to keep loving him, where it’s safe for me to protect my love for him.

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Many people often highlight the importance of dealbreakers in relationships — if certain behaviors arise, then we should consider leaving them to save ourselves. As if a relationship is a battle between two people. However, from my perspective, to love someone means embracing all facets of a person, rather than selectively embracing certain traits while disregarding others. And it takes strength to fully embrace another human being when we can’t seem to accept certain parts within ourselves.

Author’s Image

Perhaps this book isn’t merely an inspiration, but rather a portrayal of a love I find myself endlessly pursuing — a love unfettered by conditions, boundaries, or traditions. It’s a love that transcends human norms and conventions, a love that is, simply, love itself.


If you know me, then this movie will not come as a surprise: Alice in Wonderland.

Wonderland: the world full of imagination. But there is one part in that movie that inspires me the most in my tough time,

“Before Alice gets to Wonderland, she has to fall deep down the rabbit hole.”

Whenever I’m going through a tough time, I always remind myself that I’m being guided by the higher force of Wonderland.

Listen to:

Lana Del Rey — Say Yes to Heaven, Love, Salvatore.

Her music always takes me to dreamland resides #Oncloudcyy, where my thoughts roam unrestricted, allowing me to embrace my truest self — a dreamer, unbound by reality.

Author’s Image

But there is always a deeper vibe within all her songs that words simply can’t explain, you just have to let the melody take you to your dreamland, where you can find all the answers your heart seeks.

I hope this article carries you through the thoughts of a daydreamer, painting a vivid picture of my dreamland #Oncloudcyy.

If you have any book, music or movie recommendations, please feel free to leave the comments below.

Thank you for reading 💛

My name is Tracy Ly, the author of Oncloudcyy’s Newsletter , the owner of The Dreaming Tree Publication House.

I’m glad you read my article and I hope my words find you in time of need.

A couple of my friends think of me as the World-Championship Day-dreamer because I live in my thoughts and dreams more than in life. Maybe life is nothing but our bubble of thoughts and dreams. I love sharing my experiences to the world, hoping that my words somehow make people feel less alone, as writing them does to me.

I write a lot about love, and relationships because I’ve learned valuable lessons about myself and others through the relationships I’ve had in my life. I hope you will resonate on a deeper level with my words and experiences.

If you love reading my words, please do me a honor and subscribe to Oncloudcyy’s Newsletter - the sanctuary I’ve created for all dreamers, whose thoughts take flight on the clouds. And who needs Cloud Nine for dreams when you’re soaring high #Oncloudcyy?

You can also show me support by buying me a strawberry latte 🍓☕️.

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P.S : I hope you stay a little longer, and enjoy learning the world through the lenses of a day-dreamer ☁️



Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree

World Championship Day-dreamer who turns thoughts into words, from the mind to the heart 💛