Dream and Love.

Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2024

Dear Dreamers and Lovers.

I always believe that articles and books come to you in their timing — this is the article I deeply resonated with this week.

Photo by Kyle Smith on Unsplash

There is another question that lingers in my mind too,

what is my dream?

A couple of years ago, I dreamed of climbing the corporate ladder — I wanted to pursue power because I believed I would be able to help more people when I gained more power.

When I was younger, I always dreamed of healing people. That’s why I used to suffer a lot in my relationships (with both men and women) because I thought it was my responsibility to heal everyone who encountered my life. As I grew older, I learned to protect my energy and time more.

One of my most painful yet valuable lessons is that even when we can help others, it’s not our responsibility to help everyone we encounter, especially those who don’t want to be helped. I’ve learned to respect other people’s paths and lessons — I’ve learned to respect other people’s way of living their lives.

I think my dream always comes with healing others — ever since I was a little girl — I always dreamed of a peaceful world where nobody had to endure pain. I dreamed of sharing my love and healing energy with people — hoping that it somehow comforted their pains even for a moment.

And of course, I dreamed of having someone who understood the dream I carried within. I think that’s why all my previous relationships failed because I never felt that any of my previous boyfriends could touch the deepest part within me. I haven’t met anyone whom I could freely share my dream with, my silly dream of healing others.

But it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t exist — someone who understands my dream and shares it with me.

Someone who supports my dream of healing others.

Someone who understands the depth of my emotions and the ache my heart carries when I see other people suffer.

Someone who makes me feel safe, to dream.

Someone who makes me feel safe — to live my dream.

I know that a lot of people think that love is a privilege — having someone who loves you enough to hold your hands through any hardships in life.

But love is not a privilege — I find it very hard to finish this sentence, maybe because I know how heartbreaks make us lose hope and faith in love — that we tend to think it’s hard for us to find love.

I just hope you know that you are not alone. We all suffer in the journey of love, but it doesn’t matter how many times you get it wrong; it doesn’t matter how many times you get your heart broken — all you need is that one time that you get it right, and that’s enough.

I hope you know that there is someone out there, that you haven’t met yet, that will introduce a new kind of love to you —

The love that ignites the passion within your heart yet brings peace to your soul.

The love that motivates you, inspires you to become a better version of yourself, yet accepts and supports you as who you truly are, not who you pretend to be.

The love that makes you feel safe, to dream, again.





Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree

World Championship Day-dreamer who turns thoughts into words, from the mind to the heart 💛