Letter from my Father.

Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2024

Dearest Daughter.

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I just got back home from my family gathering last weekend. I had some free time to go through my old emails this morning and I stumbled on this ancient email my dad had written for me and it made me cry.

I always find it amusing when I listen to my friends talking about the idea of protecting themselves in a relationship/marriage — the protection of the financial asset is as important as the protection of the heart.

I’ve learned to love from my Father — ever since I was a little girl, I’d watched him loving the woman of his life — my mother. But he never looks at her as if she is my Mother, he looks at her as his lover, his wife, his partner in crime.

My Father is always worried about my love life, but he never knows it’s only because — I only know of the love that he has taught me — the love with no conditions, the love with no protection, the love — that is only love. He is the only reason that I will never settle for anything less than love.

A letter from my Father:

Your mother and I, we got married when she was in her early twenties. She was such a beautiful lady and I was just a regular man. I moved to Saigon from Ha Noi and was fixing television for a living. The first time I saw her, I knew that I had found a house for my heart. We got married when her dad found out about our relationship. I did not have much money, I could only afford to buy a simple pair of gold rings. They meant so much to our marriage at that moment, They was everything that we had, a simple pair of gold rings. You probably dont understand the meaning of those things now as you have more than that in your life. Not long after that, we ran out of money, and we had no choices but to sell the only property that we had, the marriage rings. As soon as I earned my degree and started making money, the thought of buying back the rings never left my mind. However, when we got a new pair of gold rings, they made me feel uneasy, they reminded me of the past, they reminded me of the moment when we had to sell the most meaningful thing in our life. And then I realized that the old pair of gold rings were always in our heart, it was the invisible bond that tied your mother and me together through all the years. My daughter, when you grow up, you do not need to find a man who gives you a thousand fancy things but seek for someone who is willing to walk with you through the tough times, who is willing to sacrifice his needs for yours.

A man who earns a dollar but is willing to give you the whole amount is worth a thousand times than a man who earns a million dollars but always puts his property above your marriage.





Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree

World Championship Day-dreamer who turns thoughts into words, from the mind to the heart 💛