“Life is difficult, but you are always loved.”

Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree
Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2024


My favorite quote this week, “Life is difficult, but you are always loved.”

It was my first week working as the Internal Auditor in her Sales Audit team, and we were having some issues sending out the Weekly Sales Report (if you’ve ever worked in any sales industry, you would know how serious this sounds). I ended up staying a couple of hours later on a Friday evening to figure it out, she came to my office and gave me a Starbucks gift card as a thank-you gift for staying late. I still have it with me in my wallet as the memories of our first encounter.

We were having issues with the Weekly Sale Reports again, and we were working together until 8 PM on a Friday. Although it was my fault that we were having issues, as soon as the Reports were sent out, she messaged me, “Don’t worry about work anymore, go get yourself a drink or a bottle of wine.” And I thought that she was the coolest boss ever — she has forever scored in my heart.

Even years later when we were no longer working together, she had always been there for me, as a friend, and a mentor too.

Author’s Image

I’m forever thankful for her kindness and compassion.

I’d endured so many abusive relationships in the corporate world, some of which completely shook my faith in humanity, yet she remained a constant source of support — she was always there for me, to cheer me on, to guide me, to support me and to remind me that genuine friendship existed in the most heartless environments.

If there is anyone who comes to hurt you, there is always someone else coming to heal you — to love you.

A couple of months ago, I told her that I wanted to work as a contractor instead of being a full-time employee, so I could manage my time, and projects, and start building something for myself. I had never asked her for help, but she immediately took the opportunity to ask my old company to take me back as the contractor. It was not an easy process due to the current state of global economics, but she kept me posted every other week to let me know that she was still fighting for the budget to bring me back. Even at the moment, I had given up, she never did, she never gave up fighting for me.

Yesterday, I received a phone call from HR, we sorted everything out and I would start working as a contractor next Monday. Everything happened quickly, as if all the stars aligned perfectly in the moment.

Life is full of surprises — and that’s the beauty of it. You never know what is around the corner, all it takes is one phone call to change the course of your life.

For the last couple of weeks, somehow, I have been very protected and supported, by a lot of people around me — the people I never know of; the people I always love.

I’m very thankful for every single one of them.

I hope you know that Life is difficult, but you are always, and trust me on this, always loved.

And no, you don’t need a fan club, you don’t need thousands of followers — all you need is a couple of people who have complete faith in you.

Sometimes all you ever need is that one person, that one person.

Don’t give up.

You never know what’s around the corner.

Thank you for reading 💛

My name is Tracy Ly, the author of Oncloudcyy’s Newsletter , the owner of The dreaming Tree Publication House.

I’m glad you read my article and I hope my words find you in time of need.

A couple of my friends think of me as the World-Championship Day-dreamer because I live in my thoughts and dreams more than in life. Maybe life is nothing but our bubble of thoughts and dreams. I love sharing my experiences to the world, hoping that my words somehow make people feel less alone, as writing them does to me.

I write a lot about love, and relationships because I’ve learned valuable lessons about myself and others through the relationships I’ve had in my life. I hope you will resonate on a deeper level with my words and experiences.

If you love reading my words, please do me a honor and subscribe to Oncloudcyy’s Newsletter - the sanctuary I’ve created for all dreamers, whose thoughts take flight on the clouds. And who needs Cloud Nine for dreams when you’re soaring high #Oncloudcyy?

You can also show me support by buying me a strawberry latte 🍓☕️.

My socials:

X — https://x.com/Tracytly

Email — Oncloudcyy@gmail.com

P.S : I hope you stay a little longer, and enjoy learning the world through the lenses of a day-dreamer ☁️



Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree

World Championship Day-dreamer who turns thoughts into words, from the mind to the heart 💛