When you are nobody.

Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2024


You will learn to love.

You will learn to love when you are nobody.

I’ve been obsessed with Tolstoy’s short stories, somehow the philosophy behind every single story resonates perfectly with my universal faith.

Have you ever read something, and it feels like the universe is speaking directly to you through human’s language? That’s what it feels like to me reading this book. I simply can’t put it down and I’ve finished it within 3 sittings. I love it very much; it’s going to be my most favorite read in this year.

My favorite author will always be Milan Kundera.

Author’s Image — Ever love a photo because it captures how you look through the lens of someone who adores you?

“The light of the sun is not a liquid; for if it were a liquid, it would be possible to be possible to pour it from one vessel into another, and it would be moved, like water, by the wind. Neither is it fire, for if it were fire, water would extinguish. Neither is light a spirit, for it is seen by the eye; nor is it matter, for it cannot be moved. Therefore, as the light of the sun is neither liquid, nor fire, nor spirit, nor matter, it is-nothing!” — The coffee-house of Surat by Leo Tolstoy

To love somebody, you learn to be nobody.

When you learn to be nobody, you will learn to offer yourself wholeheartedly to the person you love.

When you learn to be nobody, you will learn to put others’ needs and happiness above your own.

When you learn to be nobody, you will learn to love selflessly, you will experience the love without guidance, the love with no instruction, the love that has no written paths,

There is no such thing as written path,

The path is created by walking.

When you learn to be nobody, you will learn to love without any labels, without boundaries, without any restrictions.

Love doesn’t grow on the tree of experience.

Experience is thought, is calculation, is game.

Love without knowing and thinking is the purest kind of love.

It is the only way to love.

Love as if you are nobody.



Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree

World Championship Day-dreamer who turns thoughts into words, from the mind to the heart 💛