
Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2024


A woman.

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July is always the busiest month for me because of all the family gatherings.

July feels like Christmas to me.

Everyone gets together every weekend, we go to the beach, we go camping, we eat a lot of crabs and watermelons. We enjoy being out in nature, we enjoy being together. It seems like July brings my family together — everyone seems to be in a good mood, feels less annoyed toward the others, and everything seems very tolerable.

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Between all these family gatherings and my crazy working schedules, I don’t have a lot of time to write, but even when I do have time to write, I’ve wanted not to write — instead, I spend a lot of time building the stories within, I spend a lot of time being with myself, feeling the words and ideas coming together within my heart.

That’s how this piece was born.

In this generation when people honor independent and strong women, we tend to overlook the true essence of feminine energy.

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The true essence of feminine energy is flexibility and adaptability.

While masculine energy is characterized by discipline and control, feminine energy is spontaneity and flexibility. Feminine energy can be perceived as clumsy and messy and unpredictable and that’s why the beauty of a woman lies mysteriously in her flaws — when a woman is authentically connected to her feminine energy, she doesn’t control the situations, she doesn’t control her emotions, she remains true to herself– she is not afraid of her flaws — it’s this authenticity and vulnerability that attract masculine energy, which often seeks control and order in life.

When a woman stays true to her feminine energy, she naturally brings out the masculinity in the man she interacts with, without needing to ask or demand it.

Masculine energy is protective and possessive. When a man embraces his masculine energy, he feels compelled to protect the woman he loves. When masculine and feminine energies unite, he naturally feels drawn to her and desires to claim her as his own, proudly declaring to the world that she belongs to him and him alone, marking his territory.

That’s why when I see all the books on dating in this generation — full of games, schemes, and strategies to attract a man — I can’t help but feel sorry for this era. A woman doesn’t need anything to make someone want her; she just needs to embrace her womanhood, connect deeply with her feminine energy, and let masculine energy naturally be drawn to hers.

Women are born with emotions; we’re creatures of sensitivity and depth. Yet, society keeps sending the message that it’s unsafe to embrace our emotions. In this era, gentleness is often mistaken for weakness, and emotions are unfairly labeled as flaws.

I’ve always wanted to write this piece for all the girls and women out there. It’s time to reconnect with who we truly are, to rediscover the inherent traits and strengths of feminine energy. Never mistaking feminine energy as weakness — a woman doesn’t seek or demand attention; she doesn’t need tricks or games or schemes to attract anyone.

A true woman shines brightly in her light.

“Everyone I meet thinks of me as daisy — that I need constant nurture, admiration, and validation to bloom. But I’m not Daisy — I’m not anyone’s Daisy. I’m the Sun.” — Emily Dickinson.

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In the world that tells you that you can only be the flower — Become the Sun.

The Sun does not chase, yet the Sun does not attract either. The Sun only shines.

Become the sun that shines brightest, even when it’s hidden behind clouds or setting down.

Be the light that becomes the guiding compass to everyone — be the light that shines the brightest for people in their darkest time — not to win their love nor admiration — because the Sun never asks for validation,

the Sun is simply the Sun.

Being true to feminine energy isn’t about constantly seeking attention or validation. It’s about embracing the woman you were born to be — mysterious, beautifully flawed, and authentically yourself. That’s the essence of feminine energy; that’s the beauty of being a woman.

Before you seek any man, learn to be a woman first.

Before you seek any boy, embrace the inner girl within you first.





Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree

World Championship Day-dreamer who turns thoughts into words, from the mind to the heart 💛